Chapter 16

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Steph POV

I turned over and opened my eyes looking at the alarm clock to which it read 8:30, I sighed as I turned over onto my back looking around the room before my door swung open "Good Morning Steph!!" Jess smiled and jumped on the bed "Ugh go away" I mumbled "Not so loud" I added. "Come on! Time to get up, your mum is coming soon and your wedding is in less than 3 half hours and you need shower" Jess pulled off the covers "Fine, I'm up okay." I say swinging out of bed "I'll jump in the shower can someone ring the boys and check that they are still alive and not in a different county" I say as I walk out into the ensuite "Tom text me saying they're all in the house but ill ring to make sure they are up?" Jess says before she left the room. I sighed as I switched the shower on.

Jess POV

I tried ringing Tom's phone it was off, I sighed I tried Barclay, it was on but was ringing I sighed as I sorted everything downstairs for the hair and make up when i heard the line pick up "Hello?" A raspy voice asked "Barclay?" I asked biting my bottom lip "Jess, is everything okay?" He asked a bit more awake "Yeah, all good just making sure you guys was up" I say "Uhhh what time is it?" He asked. I looked at the clock which read 9:10 "9:10" I say before I knew it Barclay was shouting Casey and Jake awake "Oh god you Jake and Casey was suppose to pick the flowers up half an hour ago!" I sighed rubbing my temple "Jess calm, they'll be there shortly" Barclay said "Well go and wake the others up. I want this day to go smoothly and if it doesn't I will personally blame you" I threaten him "Alright I'm getting them up, take a chill pill" He says. "Alright, well I'll see you later...the wedding is at 12 Barc not five past. 12" I say "Jess, the wedding is at the church at 12 now go and get your hair done or whatever you girls do before" He says "Alright bye" I mumbled as I hung up to see Chloe and Chlo sat on the breakfast stools "Are they up?" Chloe asked. "Now they are" I say placing my phone down.

Chloe POV

I sighed looking through a bridal magazine as we was waiting for Steph to come down and Aimee and Chlo was having their hair done already. I looked at the clock as I was waiting for Jake and Casey to bring the flowers. Jess was having her shower it was nearly 9:45" I sighed as I could hear car doors. I shot off the stool "Chloe your next" Chlo told me as I nodded "Give me a minute" I say covering myself up properly with my dressing gown opening the door "Finally!" I say to reveal Casey and Jake "Sorry, Everything was okay but here we go" Casey handed the box over to me. "Alright, Well you guys need to go and get ready you have to be in church for about 11:30" I say "Yes mum, god you've been with Tom too much" Casey said sarcastically. "See you later" I say laughing and closing the door.

Steph POV

I walked downstairs all the girls had their hair and make up already done "aw you guys you look amazing" I smiled as Jess stood up "what took you so long?" She asked. I sighed "you've been pregnant, it takes longer in the shower" I say. She chuckles and laughs as she passes me a glass of orange in a champagne glass "are the flowers here?" I asked as I looked in the cardboard box full of flowers "aw they're's all getting so real now" I say as I sit in the chair looking around.

After it was my turn to have my hair and make up done, the girls got ready in their dresses which was like a lemon colour as the theme was lemon and grey which was Steph's dream wedding. "You guys look amazing" I smiled as I got up handing the girls another champagne glass. "Yes, and so do you and you need to get dressed otherwise we will be running late" Chloe smiles at me. I nodded and headed upstairs as Jess was just fixing Chlo's dress up. I got the dress and walked into the bathroom putting it on. I sighed as it felt a little tighter than it did the week before "Jess" I yell for her to come and zip the back up "Coming?" She said walking in and tried to do the zip up which got stuck "Steph its not going up" She said biting her lip softly. "What do you mean, christ why today" I mumble "Don't worry, step out of it i'll get Chloe to take it out a bit" She says. I nodded "Alright" I say as she walked out.

I got back into my gown as Chlo took the dress into the lighter room out of the two which was Jess' old room. Jess was fixing her hair with the flower. "Steph, me and Ella hasn't got your present yet but you'll get it soon" She says as I smiled "We don't want anything Jess" I say. She smiled "Alright, well I'm going to go down, Chlo can zip you up?" She questioned as I nodded and smiled. "Actually Jess there is something you could do" I say as Jess turned to me "Yes?" She questioned. I sighed "Get back together with Barc's please, for my wedding present" I quickly added before she could go on "Steph....Please its your wedding can we not talk about this again" She sighed. I nodded as she left. I would have to take matter in my own hands before long.

Chloe managed to get the dress to fit as she zipped me up. I sighed in relief "Thank you Chloe" I say hugging her "Your welcome you look amazing" She said excitedly. "Thank you, the cars will be here soon" I say before leaving the room.

Jess POV

I sighed as I sat next to Chloe, biting my lip softly "Jess you alright?" Chloe nudged me "Hm, yeah just worried about the dress" I say. "Do you think I should make sure the boys are okay?" I asked. Chloe raised her eyebrow "No...Tom is good and getting them to get to places on time...this he would definitely" she says. I nodded as Steph came down the stairs "She fixed it" She smiled. I nodded and smiled "Steph you look beautiful" I smiled at her and she nodded "Thank you, even if I feel like a whale" She sighed "James wouldn't think that" Aimee said. I nodded and smiled "We should get going in a minute" I say, "After photos!" Steph smiled "So your mum is bringing Ella to the wedding right?" Steph asked. I nodded "Yeah, she is...Only to the ceremony though" I say "Oh good, I want photos of her when its photo's" She said. I smiled and nodded "Okay" I say as we all got into a huddle for the photos.


I sighed as I was doing my buttons up to the shirt. I turned to Charlie who was fixing his tie "Here" I say as I fixed it. "Reece are you nearly ready?" I asked as I turned to Casey and Jake who was both ready which I thought we would of had a problem with. I sighed "Barclay where's Barclay" I called "Here, look Tom calm down, we're all nearly dressed. James is ready thats all that matters" Barclay said placing his jacket on. I nodded "I know Im so use to making sure you get to things on time!" I fixed my tie as I placed my jacket on. We need to fix the flowers I thought to myself as I handed the flowers to the boys. "James, you ready mate?" Barclay called up the stairs there was no answer. I looked at Barclay and the others.

James POV

I stood in the mirror as I finished placing my suit on, letting out a breath making sure it was okay and nothing was already down it when I saw Barclay stood in the doorway "I shouted up, are you alright?" He asked in the doorway "Yeah, I'm fine...nervous which I don't know why because I stand in front of 1000s" I say "It's your wedding day, everyone will be nervous on their wedding day" He chuckled and shrugged. I shrugged too "I guess" I looked around the room making sure I didn't forget anything. "Rings you have the rings right?" I asked as we walked out of the room "Uh..." I hear Barclay saying "This is why I should of asked Tom" I mumble "Relax god. I have them" He said. I nodded again before I walked down the stairs to the rest of them as my mum came over to me "James, you look handsome but your hair" She mumbled as she tried to fix it "It's fine mum" I say as I fixed the corsage on my suit to which mum fixed it. "Come on Paula lets go yeah?" I hear dad say "Yeah...I'll see you at the church" I say kissing my mum on the cheek as They left. I sighed and turned to the boys "ready?" I asked to which they all nodded.


There we go, this isn't the best because again just a filler....The chapter you've been waiting for is the next one as its Finally the WEDDING chapter, I will skip the whole wedding ceremony only because its quite long winded and can be boring...even I had the wedding bit when I attend weddings but hopefully it'll be amazing. I will warn you, that it may not be up as quick as it may take me 1-2 attempts to get it perfect, so that means probably 2-3 versions because 1. there are going to be a couple of surprises and one of them will go on for 1-3 chapters so just bare with me!

I just want to thank you all for your continue support on this story, When i first started this I didn't think ill get many readers or anything but the responses you have been giving me is amazing! So thank you all so so so much you have no idea how much it means to me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter :) xxxx

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