chapter six

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Your POV

My heart was racing, and it felt as if it was going to explode. I could almost feel the blood rushing to my face. 'so Uhm, how have you been?' he asked.

'I've been okay...' I responded, smiling slightly. 'That girl, the one that was with you outside, are you guys uhm together?'

'Yeah, we are.' He responded. 'We've been together for at least two years.'

'Oh.' I said. 'You guys look happy together." We sat on the floor in silence, just waiting for one of us to say something. 

'I'm sorry.' He spoke. 'For that day at the river.'

'It's fine." I said. 'It happened forever ago, and it was kind of rude of me to just run away like that, I should be the one saying sorry." 

'JUST MAKE UP ALREADY, WE'RE MISSING A GOOD PARTY HERE!' We heard them say from outside the door. Camilo and I laughed. 

'I'm sorry.' We said at the same time. The door finally opened to reveal the three Madrigal sisters outside laughing. 

'You know, who would've thought that having them make up would be so simple.' Mirabel said. 

'CAMILO!' I heard Bianca yell. She pushed the three sisters away and stared at the both of us in shock. 'CAMILO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!' She grabbed his arms and pulled him up from the floor. 

'Nothing we were just talking.' He explained. 

'ON THE FLOOR!?' She brushed the dust of his jacket and then glared at me. 'Who even are you, I've never seen you around the Encanto.'

'I'm Y/N and this is all just a big misunderstanding, we were locked in here.' I spoke. 

'I highly doubt it.' 

'It's true Bianca, we locked them in here so they would make up with each other.' Isabella told her. 

'Stay out of it, flower girl.' She snapped. 'Come Camilo, let's go, we still have to go speak to Alma.' Bianca dragged him out of the bathroom and downstairs to the party.

Camilo POV

'Now remember, you have to tell her of your proposal to me.' Bianca said, as she pulled me towards Abuela Alma.

'Bianca I'm not sure if I still want to go through with this.' I said, pulling my arm away from hers. 

'WHAT, WHY!?' Her eyes went wide. 'IT'S THAT GIRL, ISN'T IT?!' 

'Bianca, stop people are starting to stare.' I said, trying to calm her down. 


'Camilo, what did you say to her?' Mama asked me angrily. 'You know what I don't care, we just have to get her away from the party.' The sky began to cloud up and I started to hear thunder.

'Bianca, please just stop.' I begged her. 

'NO!' She cried. 

'If you don't stop, we're done.' I threatened. She went silent. 

'You wouldn't.' She tempted me.

 'Yes, I would.' I said. 'And I will.' I stepped towards her and removed the ring on her right hand. 'Casa.' I said and the house put her outside. 'Now I can finally enjoy the party without being held back.' 

Your POV

I heard screaming and crying from downstairs, so I decided to stay in the bathroom until things died down. The three sisters gave me status reports from the balcony, which honestly weren't really helpful but at least I knew what was happening. The entire mess finally stopped, and I stood up from my spot in the bathroom and walked over to the balcony. 'About time.' I spoke. 'Do they usually argue like that?' 

'Yes.' The sisters said in sync. 

'Woah, I don't think I've seen Camilo this happy in a few years.'  Luisa said, with a smile. 

'Was he really that unhappy with Bianca?' I asked. They all nodded and continued to glance down at the party from the balcony. 

(Still a bit short but glad I came up with and ending to this chapter that I enjoyed)


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