"Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT!"

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 Hiya peeps, This is a Peter Pan story. It was actually a homework assignment when I was in eighth grade. We had to write a suspenseful short story, and this is what I wrote. Hope you enjoy! All credits go to where they are due.

Peter has wandered past my hiding spot countless times and he still hasn't found me. I've heard him talking with all the lost boys at some point or another, so I know I'm the last one hiding. You're probably thinking this is the most boring story ever. Well, me playing hide-and-seek with the Lost Boys and Peter Pan is not the story I'm trying to tell you. The story I'm telling you is not what you would expect from someone who lives in Neverland. You expect a story about fun and games, laughter and joy, and other things kids love. Well if we were discussing current matters, then yes, that is the kind of story you'd be hearing, but this story, the story I'm telling you is one that is 100% true and happened not too long ago. The story was when people were constantly in danger and there was no fun, no laughter, and absolutely no joy. If you want the full story, you'll have to ask Peter some other time, Because I only know so much. I wasn't here when it started, I wasn't even aware Neverland was real, but I always hoped. The beginning of this story starts in Colorado while camping with my aunt. As I was lying on the grass looking towards the stars, I whispered "Peter please come and take me away to Neverland, where I won't be teased for not having parents or pretty clothes. Where I can just be myself and have fun." Little did I know that my whispers were heard by someone, someone special.

That night my life changed and it would never be the same again. Peter came for me that night. He taught me to fly and brought me to Neverland. I expected to see an island with a lush forest, a beautiful ocean, and a bright sky, but what I saw surprised me. The ocean was black with pollution, the forests were burnt and darkened, and the sky was thick with smoke. We landed on a log raft floating in the dark ocean and I was introduced to the Lost Boys.

I learned that the reason Neverland was such a mess was because the pirates had taken over and that there was a war the Lost Boys were planning between themselves and the Pirates. That night I thought a lot about the impending battle. The inescapable war was slowly creeping upon us until it was finally the eve of the war. We were to sail to the island throughout the night and we would ambush the pirates at dawn. At dawn, we rushed to the pirate base and we lined up in a straight line in front of their doors. They came out and lined up in front of us. One pirate per person. I was confused at first and was very shocked at what happened next. I expected everyone to pull a weapon out, but when the Lost Boys pulled their fists out I just figured that we were doing hand-to-hand combat. Peter opened his mouth and I expected him to say "Attack," but instead he shouted, "Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT!"

The pirates grabbed their gear and retreated into the woods. We had one! Everyone cheered and jumped for Joy. The boys headed to the underground home they had had to evacuate when the pirates invaded. In the morning we cleaned up the pirate's mess and repaired as much damage as we could.

That brings us to now. Now we're living happily-ever-after. I guess you think that's the end, but happily-ever-after isn't the end, it's just the beginning.

Random One-Shots and Short StoriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt