"I-I don't hate you."

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*Kaz's POV*

"KAZ!!" I hear coming from upstairs.

"And that's my que to run." I state.

"Or you could just give her back whatever you took or pay for any damage." Oliver mentions.

"Never gonna happen!" I dart out of the room and towards the elevator. Bree slides in just as the doors are closing. Fudge I whisper under my breath.

"I'm so gonna kill you!" She exclaimed.

"For what?" I asked innocently.

"For exploding my makeup!"

"Why is that a bad thing? It's expensive and you don't even need it." I realized what I said all too late. "Let's forget I ever said that."

"Nope. I'm telling everyone."

"Please don't. I'll do anything!" I pleaded.

"Anything?" She repeated skeptically.


"You have to be nice to me. And no pranks."

"For how long?"

"Forever." She answered evilly.

"That's too long!" I complain.

"Either you stop pranking me, or I tell everyone what you just said."

"And what exactly did I say?"

"You called me pretty, essentially."

"Not technically, I said you 'didn't need it.' So I could've meant that it was a useless item that doesn't do much good fixing your ugly face."

"But did you mean it like that?"

My face turned red.

"Exactly." She triumphantly stated.

The elevator stopped suddenly and forcefully. Knocking us both off our feet. We were stuck in the elevator!

*Bree's POV*

The elevator shook and I grabbed onto the nearest thing. Which happened to be Kaz's hand.

"Oh, sorry." I said letting go. He must've seen the fear in my eyes. Because then he asked.

"Are you scared Bree?" There wasn't a single hint of teasing in his voice. He was genuinely worried about me. I nodded, seeing no point in lying. We sat down and he held my hand.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me" I questioned.

"I-I don't hate you."

"Then why do you prank me and tease me all the time?"

It-It's the only way i can get you to p-pay attention to me."

"Why would you want my attention?"

B-Because I like you Bree, I really like you. I mean, who wouldn't you're smart, funny, beautiful, and so many other wonderful things. But it's okay if you don't like me back, I wouldn't blame..."

I cut him off with a kiss. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I really like you too." I whispered. He smiled so wide I thought he would crack his face into pieces. He wrapped his arms around me and held me until the elevator was fixed and we could go back to the top.

Random One-Shots and Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora