Prologue : Bed time story

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"papa, papa ! " A little boy called for his grand father,

"Yes, my child ? " The old man replied,

"Papa, why can't we go to that mountain?" The boy asked his grandfather surprising him for a second,

The man giggled a bit and went for his rocking chair which was in front of the fireplace, he then sat on it and motioned for his grandson to sit right beside him.

The room was quiet, only the sound of cracking of the fire was present,
It was dark outside and it was silent. And because it was raining, the sound of rain was the only sound present outside, its echo filled the room the boy and his grandfather were in.

The atmosphere was perfect for a bedtime story.

The man began to speak : "long ago, this island was a just a big forest filled with beauty . The creatures that lived there were wonderful unlike any creature that lived in the rest of the world"

"There were people who lived in this island as well, but they were different than us" he added;

"But papa, how different exactly ?" The boy asked tilting his head to the side;

"Because they had strange powers that we didn't have" the grandfather answered his grandson's question,

"Oh , thats cool ! But what happened to them"

"When we discovered the island we started building our new city on the island, that obviously upset them since it was not our island. So our king and their king made a deal to stay in our side of the island and for them to stay on the rest of the island. The two kingdoms stayed in peace for years until something happened that changed this state"

"What was it ?"

"You see, over time We began to grow more and more making our side of the island a bit to small for us. But it wasn't THAT big of a deal right ? We could just resolve this problem with the king of the other kingdom. But suddenly the peace and trust between the two kingdoms fell apart and a war had started."

"Wait, but why so suddenly ?"

"That's a good question young man. Perhaps bad rumours started to spread around the two kingdoms"

"And what happened at the war ?"

"We won the war. but at what cost ? The rare creatures that lived here were slaughtered by us and many innocent lives were taken away during the war. Then suddenly the people of the other kingdom disappeared from this island never to be seen again"

"Where did they go ?"

"Some people say that they all died, and some say that they are still with us just hidden within the depths of the island"

"Is that why we shouldn't go to that mountain ?"

"Yes, they say that the entrance to their world lays within the mountain, deep in the forest"

"Ooh so thats why !... You know what, i promise that i am not going to climb that mountain if it makes you worried"

The Grandfather smiled at his grandson before he noticed that the young boy started to yawn,
He then gently grabbed his hand then led him to his room,

"Its time to sleep, let's get you to bed my boy"

He tugs him to bed then kisses his forehead then goes out of the room, turning off the light and then gently starts to close the door,

"Good night, glowey" he says before he closes the door

. . . .END OF CHAPTER O . . . .

A/N :
Wait hol on , it says 579 words on wattpad but in WPS office it says 603 words YO-
Stay safe and have a wonderful day / night !

What's within the mountain - By Nour-Sama -Where stories live. Discover now