Chapter 01:a normal day ?

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*Ring ring*

The school bell rang showing that class has ended and that its time for lunch,

The teenage boy sat up from his desk and went outside of his class,

He silently walked down the hallway going for the cafeteria,until he heard somebody call his name,

He stopped in his tracks and turned around to see who called him, suddenly he was hugged by a boy with dark hair and dark skin,

Realising who he was he hugged him back,

"Heyy glowey ! How's it going man ?" The dark skinned boy said,

"Nothing much, how about you rayan ?" glowey answered,

"Ehh, same. Class is boring as usual"the dark skinned boy called rayan answered,

They walked down the hallways together, talking about random things until they got into the cafeteria,

They got their lunch then sat into one of the chairs beside a brown haired boy,

"Why so late? I've been waiting for you guys for quite some time now" the brunette said

"Sorry about that man" rayan said with a shuckle

"Nah, don't worry about it that much" the brunette said

They began to eat their food, then suddenly glowey called the brunette saying : "hey Martin, what is the subject that you chose for your essay ?"

The brunette now known as martin stopped eating then said :" we had an essay ?"

Oh nah

"You forgot about the science essay ? The teacher is going to murder you dude !" Rayan said still munching on his food
"Oh no ! What are you going to do ?"

Glowey said in a worried tone "Her class is literally next period you're doomed !" rayan added adding more stress on martin's poor shoulder;

The teacher was really strict, especially when it came to school work

Martin was shaking in his boots now, so rayan tried to comfort him by saying : " don't worry man, it doesn't have that much of importance for your grade-" "it's not about the grades rayan, it's about my parents. She's going to call them dude"
"Oh what am I going to do ? I don't usually forget about about my assignment" martin added

Glowey then said: "don't worry about the teacher martin, everyone forgets, even you, the teacher may be strict but she's understanding"

"You think so ?" Rayan asked, glowey nooded with a smile
The bell rang, now martin is shaking like a washing machine

"Come on Marty, it's going to be okay" glowey was patting his back then all three of them went to class

They entered quietly then sat on their seats

The teacher then entered the class and closed the door behind her ushering some students to open a window or two
She then walked up to her desk and began to speak : "greetings students, I hope you all are having a good day so far" she said sounding extremely tired
She continued: "as far as I remember, I gave you all an essay to write"

"I'll be walking around to gather the essay, and I hope all of you have it" she said

She then began to walk around the classroom gathering the essays, until she got to their seats,

Glowey and rayan gave the teacher their essays, she then turned to martin.
Martin then began to speak :"I- sorry ma'am, I forgot to do my essay" he then put his head down in shame

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