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The ground started to shake and all the sudden everything was falling out from underneath my feet. I see the light of the moon and all the trees glowing above as the leaves and vines hang low and lightly blown in the wind. As I fall, time slows and everything is slowly fading away as I fall into the darkness below.
Suddenly I bolt up in bed and realize it was a dream, I let out a sigh of relief and fall back to my pillow. I hear the wind blowing outside of my window and see the sun rising in the distance. I sit up and start to ponder what I should do. I could take a run, bake cookies, or pretty much anything. I get out of bed and rummage through some clothing until I find a pair of jeans and flannel. As I walk downstairs I start to smell some eggs and bacon cooking. After I grab some food I head outside to my little shed. It's mostly a large window that covers the south side of the shed and it has a light gray coat of paint on it. The inside is furnished with a wooden bedframe with a cheap mattress covered in wood shavings, there are lights hanging high on the ceiling and tools spread out on a butcher block table.
I sit down and grab a block of wood from underneath the table and start to draw a pattern while grabbing a bite of my food occasionally. I lean back against the wall and start to draw trees in my dream and give them details. They weren't normal, they glowed in the moonlight but it wasn't from the moon, it was a slight glow but it wasn't really a color, but it was for sure out of the ordinary. As I draw I hear a clawing at the door and get up to open it up. It was my cat Mandy a black calico with short fur. He usually stays in my shed with me when I'm there. He runs in and hops onto the bed and looks at me as I walk back and join him and continue drawing.
A few hours later I start to carve and hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it and I see a guy I've never seen before appear in front of me. He's a bit muscular and he has dark brown hair, almost a black . It's shaggy and wildly all over. His eyes were locked with mine and they were an amber that looked like the sunsets out here in the countryside. We stood there for a sec before I asked "what do you need?". He quickly looked down and said "I was sent to look after you". My mind floods with questions, I don't know this guy, what's going on, what's he talking about? I ask in shock "would you explain what this means?". He looks at me and starts to get nervous and looks around the yard before saying "they're looking for you". Before I can ask what that means I hear a gunshot, I'm not afraid of them. My father shotguns my whole life but this one shook me because it was inches away from my face. And after that I passed out. I remembered faintly the man from before picking me up and running away with me in his arms but I slowly fell asleep against his warm chest and the smell of pine.

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