chapter I

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I wake up in an old dusty cellar in the man's arms. He looks like he got hit in the face a few times. As I reach up to see how bad they are, I see his eyes open. I freeze, imagining as if he couldn't see me. He stares at me while I freeze in shock. He chuckles and then says ”are you alright?”. I take a deep breath about to respond with yes but my side welcomes a sharp pain and I wince. He wraps an arm around me and holds me while trying to see what happened. I try to speak but just fall asleep again. I awake in the dream again and I see the tree and in the distance there is sunset but it looks odd, the colors aren't normal. They are a mixture of blues and greens that are pale and light spreads across the horizon and are seen for miles in every direction. I see something in the tree in the distance, its pitch black in one spot throughout the glowing. I walk over to it and try to see what it is, but as soon as I get there my feet fall out from under me and I start falling but in the distance I hear someone yelling my name Gwendolyn off in the distance. As I fall the tree gets brighter until it's unbearable and I close my eyes tightly. I get jolted awake by the man who saved me  as I gasp for air.
I settle onto his shoulder as I start to calm down my breathing, while he holds me and rubs my back. He asks "are you ok what happened?". As I take a deep breath about to tell him I notice that his heart is beating more than usual. I responded with "I'm not sure what happened". I continued and told him what my dream was about. He sat there in shock as I sat in his lap and told him about it. I suddenly realized that I have no clue who he is. After I finish I ask "who are you? I never caught your name or anything". He slowly starts to grind and he replies with "my name is kane, and I'm from texas". He smiles and looks at me. I open my mouth to ask questions but so many flood into my mind and no words are said. He brings his arms up around me and gives me a hug.
I sat in shock as he embraced me and tried to calm me down. He looks at me as I calm down and suddenly we hear a crash from above us. He whispers "I'll explain everything but now's prolly not the best time". He helps me up and we start for the door I hear another gunshot go off, I freeze in terror remembering what happened the day before and start to back myself into the corner. Before I got there though Kane grabs me around the waist and then picks me up, he looks at me with a reassuring look as I attempt to stay calm. 
All of a sudden, Kane runs and starts for a truck outside the farmhouse we both get in and he grabs the key from his pocket and starts the truck and puts it in gear as we hear a man yelling my name in the distance. I see my yard off in the distance and everything is burnt to the ground. I start to uncontrollably cry not knowing what happened. Seconds later I hear a meowing sound and Kane hands me mandy and I hug him and fall against the truck window and I fade into a deep sleep as the sun sets in the distance and the radio turns up.

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