Attacked (angst/whump with irondad fluff)

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TW: guns, blood, swearing. If there's any more that I missed, tell me! Thanks for reading

Background info: Peter is Tony Stark's adopted son. May died 3 months before he became spiderman. Ned and MJ both know he's spiderman.

Peter Parker sat on the school bus, tapping his knee. His spideysense was going crazy.

Danger. Guns. Blood. Death. Warning. Blood. Alert. Danger. Danger. dangerdangerdangerdaner-

A shock rattled through his bones. The bus screeched to a halt, then silence. The bus appeared to have fallen on it's side, only to be righted again by the force of the impact. He lay on the floor, phone just out of reach, blood dripping from a cut on his head. Heavy shoes came into view, crunching on the shattered glass.

"Everybody up," a gruff voice said. "Everybody up or he dies. Don't call anyone, or he dies as well."

Peter was yanked up by his collar, the cold metal of the gun pressed against his head. He panicked. (I mean, even if you're Spider-Man and you save people from this every other day, that doesn't mean that you stop being scared.) He could still feel his webshooters (which he never took off) and the watch his dad gave to him for his 8th birthday. Slowly, everybody stood. Apart from MJ. She was calling someone. Peter guessed it was Tony.

"Up, girl. Get up," yelled the voice. Dam, (A/N pun intended :P ) the spider sense is a curse sometimes.

"Go on then, do it. Your threat is empty. As soon as you shoot Peter, you'll 

1. Go to prison


2. Lose all control you have over us."

"Bold words from a scared little kid in a blazer."

Peter heard the trigger tighten a moment before a gunshot resonated off the metal walls.


Then a ringing in his ears, the all-too-familiar metallic taste of coppery blood in his mouth. Speaking of blood, what was that on his head? Oh yeah. Leaky lifejuice. Great. What happened? He was on the way to a school trip when... oh. He got shot. Parker Luck strikes again, right? Noise. What's that noise? And... that feeling. What's that feeling? Okay, so. Bleeding, metal lodged in his skull, dimmed shouting, what sounds like... his dads repulsers, and that weird feeling. PAIN. That's what it's called! Pain! Well, he got there in the end. The darkness came again, right after that realisation.

TIME SKIPPETY CALLED JEFF. His friend died today. Please be kind to him :(

He woke to the annoying, steady beep of a heart monitor. 

"Hey, bambi. Glad you're awake."

The velvety, smooth voice of his dad

"What happened?" Peter asked, sitting upright. He was still a bit groggy from the whole     getting-shot-on-a-trip thing.

"Well, you got yourself shot, idiot. Please don't do that again. I don't think my heart can take the strain," he smiled weakly. His face was calm, but there was prominent bags under his eyes and lines on his face.

"I won't, dad. I promise."

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