Wrong number, kid (part 2)

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Cinnamon spider:

Guess what, mrs. Паук!

I got an internship!

Mrs. Паук


Cinnamon spider 

Stark industries!


Mrs. Паук

Well done spider!

Cinnamon spider

Just a quick question, Mrs. Nayk

I think I know who you are

 An you tell me if it's correct?


Yeah... who do you think I am?

Cinnamon Spider

I think your name is Natalia Rushman, or Natasha Romanoff. Also known as Black Widow. Your name means spider in Russian, and I might have hacked your phone... am I right?


Wow. You are good, kid

Well done

Cinnamon Spider:

Thanks! Also, that means I'll see you at SI. 


Could I add you to the group chat with all my other... friends? Colleges? Yeah, anyway.

Cinnamon Spider

Oh my god, yesyesyesyesyesssss! I can talk to the avengers! Sorry, I mean...

Yeah, that would be cool

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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