Chapter 5 - Friends We Made Along The Way

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It's gotten colder.

(As nights should.)

(unless you're in a time of climate change)

(or post-apocalyptic world)

I throw those ideas out of my head as the fire in front of me bursts to life, the roaring flames licking up towards the starry night sky barely peeking in though a canopy of pine trees.

Fox is curled up by the base of the fire, curious eyes blinking into the golden sparks as smoke begins to rise up.


Fox turns its eyes towards me, the gold and orange of the flames flickering off the reflection of their dark pupils.

"We... have to be getting close now, huh..."

Fox stays unusually, quiet.

I chuckle myself, as another stick bursts into flames.

"I, don't think I ever told you why I'm out here. Where I'm going, what I'm doing."

Fox sits up now, his beautiful bushy tail wrapping itself up as they continue to stare at me with curious eyes. Behind me, a snort from Queen, who presumably has found another pile of fresh grass to chew on.

And I talk.

I talk about the Krewdom, of how my birthday of all things started this (ignore the black hole in your heart—).

I talk about me. About Gravia, Trevor and Hunter, and what they've done. About how sometimes, when I'm alone, I sit and wonder to myself, what could someone as boring as me have done?

I talk about Funneh. About her smile, her ability to light the room, her bravery, about how she was almost ripped away from us.

I talk about Gold. About her desire to prove herself (like me), her will to protect her nation and family, about the pile of stones I forced her under by passing the crown.

I talk about Lunar. About how something she always seemed wonderfully off, her magic, her creativity, her risks she took to help.

I... even talk about Draco. About the kidnapping, the innocent-ripped look in his eyes, the pain he must go though, and the fact—


The forest echos a bit after I scream. Fox doesn't do anything, but I noticed how they seem to have moved closer in my rambles.

Queen stops eating whatever nature behind me, and suddenly I'm vividly aware of a cricket in the background and pricking grass under my hands that are so tightly gripped onto the thin blades as if it's the only thing that allows the world to stay with me. As if the second, the moment I let go the world will begin to drift away and I'll be left alone in space and—

Words are spilling out of my mouth before my brain can register them.

"Fox, god— I was so close! We could almost leave, I had almost fixed it. Why— he... we could have been free."

Fox seems to have some sympathy for me, as he trots forward and lays his head on my lap.

I smile, and laugh to myself. A positive chime in this forest of nothing but dark and gold.

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