Chapter 8

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY or Star Wars!}

*Kingdom of Vale*

Zon was sitting on a balcony of a cafe with Blake and Sun. Blake was sitting next to Zon and Sun was sitting across from them. Blake took a sip of her tea and put it down. "The truth is I was actually in the White Fang." Blake said and Zon and Sun looked at her. Sun wanted to say something but kept quiet as he was still afraid of Zon. Zon had caught Sun staring at Blake's backside yesterday and had beat him up for it so Sun was trying not let that repeat itself. Zon nodded and stayed silent letting her continue. "I was kind of born into it in a way. As I grew up I participated in all of the White Fang's peaceful protests and all the other attempts to gain equality but a few years ago the White Fang's founder stepped down and a new one took over with a new set of rules. Our peaceful protests turned into violence. We attacked stores that discriminated against Faunus, Hijacked trains from companies that used Faunus labor unfairly, so on and so on. The worst part is that those new tactics worked. We were treated as equals but not out of trust but out of fear!" Blake said looking at her tea cup. "So you decided to leave?" Zon asked and she nodded. "Yeah. I left the White Fang the first chance I got and joined Beacon to become a Huntress." Blake explained and Zon nodded. "Does your team know any of this?" Sun asked and Blake shook her head. After they finished their tea they started walking the streets. "I just don't get why the White Fang would be attacking dust shops! They never needed that much dust before!" Blake said. "What about the blasters?" Zon asked and Blake's face went pale slightly. "They would probably want those." Blake replied and he nodded.

"Though I'm still a little skeptical that they're behind everything." Blake continued and Sun got in front of the two. "Then the only way to prove it's them is to catch who's doing it!" Sun said smiling. "But we have no clue where they'll hit next!" Zon said crossing his arms. "On my way here I overheard the dock crew talking about offloading a huge shipment of dust!" Sun said. "How huge?" Blake asked. "Really huge! SDC Freighter!" Sun replied and they nodded and Zon looked at Blake. "That could be worth checking out! I doubt they'll pass up the chance to snag that much dust!" Blake said and Zon nodded. "I'll get in touch with my team and have them meet us at the docks!" Zon said and  she nodded and then the three headed to the docks as Zon used his communicator to radio the rest of the Mandos about meeting up at the docks. Once they get to the docks they were met by Photon, Levos, Tekra, Aleck, Gin, Arren, Turok, and Pyro. Pyro looked at Zon. "What's the point of investigating a dust robbery? It has nothing to do with Abinh Dul!" He asked him with clear annoyance in his tone. "The people who have been doing the dust robberies are using the blasters Abinh Dul is selling. If we can find out where these guys are getting the Blasters we'll be closer to finding Abinh Dul!" Zon explained and Pyro nodded. "True! The buyer would know how to find the seller!" Pyro said. "Okay here's the plan. Aleck, Gin, and Arren set up on that roof over there. Levos, Tekra. You two go that roof!" Zon said giving orders to the Mandos but let Pyro pick which group he joined and Pyro went with Levos and Tekra. Zon, Blake, and Sun climbed up onto another roof and the next thing they had to do was wait.

As time went by at some point Sun had disappeared leaving Blake and Zon alone. A peaceful silence has set up between the two until Blake started speaking. "Thank you Zon. For everything." She said to him and looked at him. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow as he had his helmet off and was eating some of the food he had with him. "Why are you thanking me?" Zon asked and she blushed and looked back to the docks. "You've always been there for me even though you knew I was a faunus. Even after finding out I was a part of the White Fang you still don't hate me!" She said to him and Zon smiled and nodded. "Blake you don't have to thank me for that. You're someone I see as important to me. I don't care about you being a former member of the White Fang or even for being a Faunus!" Zon replied and she blushed more and moved closer to him and kissed his cheek. "And that's what makes you important to me too." She said blushing and in an almost quiet tone. Zon nodded and the two went back to watching the docks. Zon was a little surprised by Blake's kiss but tried to not let it show. Silence had then returned as the two waited for any sign of the criminals that's been stealing dust.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until the next update!} 

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