Sunday the 19th: Yoshida and Muramatsu

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 "Nah. Said he already found something." I tinker around with one of the broken car parts from my aunt's shop, trying to figure out exactly why it's broken. I haven't yet.

"So he doesn't even want to hang out?" Takuya lounges around on the sofa and stares off into nowhere. "What do you think he got him?"

"I don't know." I snap back, a little metal piece flying off and disappearing because of my tampering. I let out a sigh.

"Why don't you just ask her what's wrong with it?" He focuses on me.

"She wouldn't tell me even if I did." I climb out of the chair and search the ground.

"Hm. So what do we do today?" He asks.

"I don't even know why you're here!" I raise my voice, annoyed.

"Well isn't this the last weekend or something?" He sits up, glaring at me for the tone.

"So? I don't know what to get him." I argue, relaxing once I find the tiny screw that must've come loose. I bump my head as I get out from under the table. Takuya watches me carefully the whole time.

"If you don't get him anything, I won't either." He states.

I rub the growing bump on my head. "It's not that I don't want to get him anything."

He shrugs, falling back onto the couch again. "I'm not even sure why we should bother. Everyone else is already getting him something."

My hand stops and I gently put down the screw so it doesn't roll off the table. "Are you really that stupid?"

He throws me an evil glare. "At least I'm smarter than Terasaka."

"That's what I mean." I sit down and look over, the confusion filling his face.

"I don't get it."

"Remember how bad Ryoma reacted when he thought we abandoned him?" I start, recalling that Itona was the bad guy back then too.

Who does Karma even have?

"He was mad that I was studying!" He sits up again. "And that was totally uncalled for!"

I sigh, shaking my head. "That's why you're the bigger dumbass." I turn back to my project, looking around for where the missing screw is supposed to go.

Takuya quietly stays on the couch before finally giving up. "Whatever. I didn't come here to get talked down to by you."

He slams the door and I flinch, nearly losing another part in the process. I relax my shoulders and stare at it thoughtfully.

Guess I shouldn't put it off anymore.

Reluctantly, I set the tools down and pull out my phone, dialing my aunt. It rings for a long time, which usually means she's waist deep in someone's car.

"Hullo?" My eccentric aunt answers.

"Can you just tell me this time?" I rattle off, wanting to get it over with so I can head to the mall or something.

She laughs. "No can do. What's the hurry?"

I slouch down in the chair. "I'm supposed to be getting someone a present."

"Oh yeah?" She's quiet for a moment like she's thinking about something. "Say, does this person have an ideal car?"

I furrow my brows together. "He's my age."

"So? You have an ideal ride. Tell you what," it sounds like she's switching ears, "you tell me what's wrong with that part, and I'll let you select any car from my collection as a present. And regardless of age, everyone has an ideal ride. Whether they know it or not."

My eyes widen. "Any car?" I practically shout, wishing I could scour through her collection for mine since I even learned about it.

"Yes, but remember, I know which one you want and unless you really convince me that it's their ideal ride too, yer not gettin' it." She warns.

I swallow the extra saliva in my mouth, really wanting to just see it. "That's fine, uh, I'ma get right on it then." I hang up on her and call Itona. I barely give him the chance to utter a sound before I cut him off. "I need to figure out what's wrong with this thing. Seriously."

There's a long pause on the other side. "Um." He finally says.

I go into all the things I've tried and tested. He never asks why I care so much about it and eventually gets into solving the problem with me. I'm on the phone for so long video chatting that it nearly dies, so I find a charger and get back at it. We take all day.

**POV Shift Muramatsu**

After cooling off for a while, I figure I might as well try to let the whole thing go.

I'm stressed enough with finals.

The automatic door to the grocery store opens on my way in, but I stop, face to face with Hara.

"Oh, uh, you shop here too?" I ask awkwardly.

She offers me a warm smile. "Not usually, but everyone else was already out of unbleached flour." She fishes it out of one of her bags and shows me. "I heard it's better for you than normal flour and just about everywhere is empty." She lightly drops it back in. "So, how are things?" She returns.

I get out of the way and let her leave so that others can pass. "Okay I guess." I mutter.

Besides the whole Karma thing.

I look away, remembering his words about abandonment.

And I never abandoned Ryoma...

"You know, I could use some help." Hara glances at me.

"What?" I respond belatedly. "With what?"

She raises the grocery bags between us. "I'm making treats for everyone at school tomorrow. You work at a noodle shop, right?"

I don't know why, but I blush. She giggles. And I just end up following her to her house to help.

It's a lot cleaner than Taisei's and Ryoma's houses. It's almost as good as my mom's and she's a neat freak.

"So, uh, whatcha makin'?" I shrug, feeling awkward.

"I only invited you because it seemed like you wanted to talk." Hara sets down the groceries and starts pulling out various baking utensils. "And I find baking very relaxing." She grabs an apron and ties it around her waist, wasting no time at all to start making things. "I wasn't trying to make it awkward." She chuckles once and tilts her head.

I find myself blushing again, wondering how it was that she was there at the perfect time.

"Ever made gingerbread before?" She holds out an apron for me and I accept it hesitantly.

I don't really bring anything up and just focus on the cooking. Before I know it, I'm relaxed and having a good time. We chat about random things. I had no idea she wanted to try selling treats for the holidays to see if she wanted to make a business out of it.

"I could talk to my family." I offer out of nowhere. "I mean, I hope to run the business someday anyway and people might really appreciate taking home a little treat after their meal. You want me to?"

Her eyes sparkle out of nowhere and she holds her arms close together, her hands right under her chin. "Oh my god, would you?"

I laugh. "Yeah, why not? Gotta start somewhere."

She nods, stirring the next round of sweets feverishly. "Maybe I can start with Valentine's Day! Oh, I have so many ideas for chocolates!"

I pick up one of the cooled gingerbread men and bite into his arm. I pause.

I didn't think it was possible, but these taste even better than they smell.

"How'd you make these so good?" I practically shout.

She laughs, winking at me. "Why, with help of course!"

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