Christmas Eve: Okuda

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It's been such a long day.

Everyone was so excited to voice someone other than themselves. I don't think anyone was happier than Kaede getting to voice Yada though. I giggle to myself at the thought. She was so happy that she got to pretend to have the biggest boobs for a while, even if it was just pretend.

I finally reach his house and stop outside the gate. It's sort of sad that it's going to be raining for Christmas, making the Akabane residence look even more quiet and lonely than I'd imagine. Staring at the front door, I immediately get nervous again.

I'm just going to give it to him. I can ask him to open it later and save myself the embarrassment of him being disappointed.

I breath in my nose and out my mouth quickly to try and calm down.

I wish it was easier to talk to people...

I take one more deep breath and open the gate, making my way to his door. Even though I know logically that I'm way overthinking it, it doesn't help. It's not like I'm confessing my feelings for him or anything, but I've never been one to reach out to someone I like before. My hand shaking, I slowly reach for the bell and push it. I immediately regret it and hide behind the small present, not that it actually helps anything.

The door creaks open followed by an awkward silence.


I slowly lower the gift. "H-Hey." My face feels hot and I'm not sure what to say.

"Uh, are you cold?" Karma tilts his head, looking me over. "Did you want to come inside?"

"S-S-Sure." I mutter quietly.

I'm going into his house!

I step inside and he grabs me a pair of house slippers after hanging my umbrella. I'm starting to feel dizzy from the stress.

I'm in his house!

"So what brings you here on Christmas Eve?" He smirks.

He's wearing a gentle smile and it surprisingly calms me down. He motions for me to take off my shoes and I comply. Then, he offers to put the slippers on for me.

The thought of him treating me like Cinderella in his entryway makes me laugh and before I know it, I'm not as nervous anymore.

"Better?" He stands up once my house slippers are on.

I nod, wondering why I always freak myself out like this. I'd spent all day, all week even, fretting this very moment. And even though I knew it would be ridiculous to do so, I still did. Then again, if it was just about anyone else, I probably would've stayed nervous. I was the only one that didn't think Karma was scary at first. A while later, I realized it was more than that.

Unlike everyone else, he isn't afraid to show his dark side. In fact, most times he doesn't hide anything. If he's angry, he's angry. If he's happy, he's happy. Sure he's a little mischievous, but even that is honest. He's easy to read, unlike other people.

"Join me?" He motions into his house, a very handsome smile on his lips. "I was just making dinner."

Even right now, he seems happy I'm here.

"Sure! I told my parents I didn't know how late I'd be out, so let me just text them really quick." I pull out my phone.

He quietly heads to the kitchen and I send them a message. I take my time and look around the living room. It's very nicely furnished and only after a minute of admiring the décor do I realize that there're no Christmas decorations up. I then freak out again and wonder if he even celebrates Christmas in his family.

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