Claudia's sister

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as it is or was Billie eilish birthday I wish her a happy birthday anyway in joy also I don't speak polish but the original creator used google translate anyway in joy my humans have a good day.

I also think this might be the last image of the year who knows 

⚠️- nothing yet  I might add something anyway I think this mixed kind of of Idk  


*𝒴/𝓃 𝓅𝑜𝓋*

if there's something I absolutely despite in this world, it's flying. that, dicks and  flowers, my parents finally let me move to Chicago to L.A , so I'm spending the next four hours on a plane, I'm still waiting for my apartment to be available, so I'll be living with my big sister, her boyfriend and their adorable but crazy  dog.

my drum set is getting moved at the same time as me, so I really hope Finneas will let me install it in his studio for the time being, I jump when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, indicating I got a text. 


 I can't wait to see you y/n/n (you nickname), have a safe flight

btw I'll be vlogging so be prepared, love you


                                                                                                                                                              it's been to long                                                                                                                                          since I've seen you clauds. I'm                                                                                                                                        warning you tho, I look like shit so                                                                                                                                                  you might not wanna film 

I get semi-comfortable in the shitty plane seat and close my eyes, I can't wait to see Claudia, I really missed her.


I'm woken up by the flight attendant's voice telling us that we've arrived in L.A, I get my things and  hurry out of the horrifying machine, if you've watched Greys Anatomy, you probably know why I hate planes so much.

when I get my suitcase from baggage claim, I try and spot my sister in the crowd, that's when I hear a voice, ''Y/N!!'' 

my eyes get teary and I turn around and I see Claudia, camera in hand, running towards me with her big bright smile and happy tears in her eyes, we've always had a special bond, I'm 18, so Claudia, has always been my role model, she used to defend me form out brothers, Marcin and Kevin, who would always pick on me since I'm the baby of the family, I was also often her guinea pig when she wanted to try new make up looks on her YouTube channel, I really missed back in Chicago

''how are you? how are mum and dad? do you have your drum set? I can't wait for you to meet bil, you'll for sure get along!, Finn wants to mess around in the studio with you he's excited to have a drummer at his disposition! OMG YOU DIDN'T MEET PEACHES YET!'' I laugh at Claudia rambling on and just hug her tightly 

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