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Ok it's me its_your_gurl_evie and I'm here to tell you that my story has flaws and it's not perfect I'm not here to give you the I wrote this when i was very young and it's so cringe and I hate it speech I could never

Anyway my characters could be a little cringe at times bare with them and obviously there might be some typos here and there  I know it's a turn off so please bare with that too speaking of turn offs there was this one time_____

You know what that's not the point so i wanted the prospective of this book to be different for example let's start with the make lead character not being white not that there's anything wrong with that but I've seen it all too many times and the female lead character not having the "I'm different from all the other girls" vibe

I want this book to refreshing and new

And without further ado i present to you new

Haha you see what I did there new_new oh shit sorry for interrupting you get back to the story "as you were" PS:pretend I said that in a British accent

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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