lovers in the dark

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And the darkness felt suddenly like home again
Like a familiar place in the shadows where we used to meet

      Hope clutched her chest tight, almost too tight as scream after scream rocked her slight frame. No , this couldn't be happening. Josie couldn't be lying there with no pulse, pale and peaceful.
Hope's screams had a healthy dose of angry dark magic behind them so everyone kept their distance as the tribrid mourned.
But Hope had no intention of mourning because this couldn't be the end. In fact she knew it wasn't.
And it wasn't denial.

Right there , observable to only the keenest of supernatural eyes was a flutter. Almost indistinguishable from the slow cellular death of a physical body.
But Hope saw it and she knew what it was.
Josie.... Her Josie was still in there.
She reached softly for the Gemini witch's cheek almost as if she was afraid to break her. She shut her eyes and let go

Reaching with everything for that little flutter.

Inside Josies mind

"You're too late. She's already gone..... I guess neither of us was as strong as you thought after all."

Dark Josie seemed resigned and almost.... sad as she spat the words out. They were in the magic forest again ... if you could still call it a forest.

Everything was dead and barren. Skeletons littered the canopy floor adding to the creepy dead ambiance.  Hope sighed and rubbed her head.
" Jo when are you going to understand that there is no you and her.... There's just you. My beautiful Gemini witch. "
Hope's reverant tone seemed to steady dark josie as if reminding her of why she disliked the tribrid.

"Still going on about that huh. YOU'RE WRONG!!!....LOOK AROUND YOU!!!.... I am poison... I destroy everything and if Josie was strong enough... if she was half the witch you think her to be.... She would have stopped this.... s.. she w-would have stopped me..."

Dark Josie broke down into knee jerking sobs as Hope rushed to gather her into her arms.
"I love you Josie but your are one dumb witch when you want to be. "

DJ stiffened in her arms.
"You l-love her?.... why ?"

Hope smiled into her favorite eyes.
" because YOU are all I have ever loved. What is love but instant recognition by the same kind.... The first day our eyes met, something in me knew it had found its dark twin, capable in everyway,  mate, queen .... I could go on but it really doesn't matter.... what matters is that you realise I have loved YOU...All of you since it was possible for me to love and that's never going to change. "

DJ seemed stunned beyond words. Hope took advantage to lean closer and lay a soft kiss on her lips.
" So poison me with your fruit, destroy me with your power. Tear me apart as only the darkest of us can but know I wait.... Because for you I would embrace shadows "

Quick lil dark hosie 😊


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