two idiots, one cube

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We start by seeing tangata and Nsoor sleeping on a coach and the floor with bowls and crumbs everywhere in the cave that is tangatas home indicating that they had a party last night and got wasted off of butter chicken and cheese, they soon wake up, then get themselves ready for the day, they meet up with everyone at the base and see them eating breakfast, "Tangata: Bro, this stomach of mine is tryna steal all of your food." "nsoor: what do we have today Tom?"  "I made scrambled eggs plus I added some miracle cube on top for flavour" "Tangata: miracle cube?" "Nsoor: Da hell is that? Some sort of drug?" "Tom: NO, it's a type of food that only I can make and tastes good by itself but is way better paired with other foods as it inhances there flavour" "Tangata: ok that was way into detail" "nsoor: I mean it's a good way for the readers to learn about it as it is pretty important in the story as a hole" "tangata: Why'd say Nsoor? I spaced out a bit from tom explaining this cube thing" "nsoor: don't worry about it, it wasn't anything important *wink wink*" both there stomachs started to rumble so they dig in like vacuums, "Tangata: omg, why Is it so good?" "Nsoor: It's as if angles are spoon feeding me mozzarella cheese" everyone else started eating what was left before they could gobble it whole "zenith: Tom this really is good wow!" "jane: yeah I never knew scrambled eggs could be so good" "Tom: its because of the miracle cube, it inhances the flavour of any food you put it on" "Tangata and Nsoor: any you say?" They say with a mischievous grin on there face "Tom: forget it, i am not giving you my miracle cubes" Tangata and Nsoor: but-" before they could finish tom immediately warped out.

Later in the day there at nsoors place (which is just a small empty planet in space) brainstorming how to get the miracle cube "Tangata: maybe we could offer him something in return?" "Nsoor: but what would we give him though?" "Nsoor: hmm, maybe we threaten him?" "Tangata: nah he'd definitely kick our asses" "Tangata: how about we steal it?" "Nsoor: how will we find where he hides them?" "Tangata: you just leave that to me and my trusty nose" so they both smile  head out

"Tangata: do you sense anyone in the kitchen?" "Nsoor: no the coast is clear" they both start searching around the kitchen for something "Tangata: did you find anything?" "Nsoor: no sorry g" "Tangata: aww man" "Nsoor: SIKE  I loied, check this out" "Tangata: it's a pan!:" "Nsoor: it should have some residue left from today" so Nsoor gave it to Tangata and he just started sniffing it "Nsoor: did you get it?" "Tangata: yup" "Nsoor: ight let's head out" and then Tangata throws in a direction with a lot of force and Nsoor starts following it, 5 seconds later Tangata warps to his katana and sees Nsoor starring at something with amazementand so he turns his head yo see what it is and just sees a giant safe the size of Saturn "Nsoor: no way, why Is it so big?" "Tangata: no wounder it was so hard to track, it must be really thick" "Nsoor: ok let me try to swing at it" Nsoof trys to break it open with his axe but has no luck even making a dent "Tangata: watch, this is how a real pro does it" Tangata points his katana at it, then points it above him, he swings and a wave of pr goes dashing towards it, but it doesn't do anything like with Nsoor "Tangata: WHAT? ERRR!!!" he tries to swing at it some more with visible frustration, out of breath, the smoke clears while Tangata looks, but still no dent "Tangata: MAN, why would Tom even go through this much trouble for his cubes" "Nsoor: he probably knew we were gonna try and find them" them both tired slowly fly away defeted, tangata shoots one more wave, still no luck he gets mad while Nsoor grabs his hand while they fly back to base.

Tangata: what about kai?, his katana seems pretty strong" "Nsoor: well first we need to convince him and second, your katana is stronger and did LITERALLY nothing, so idk" they're both thinking about what to do and then suddenly they hear the door open and see zenith enter the room "zenith: oh sorry, thought this was the training hall, I'll leave" "Tangata and Nsoor: NO WAIT!" Zenith steps back in surprised and confused "Nsoor: zenith, would you mind doing us a solid?" "Zenith: yeah sure, what is it?" "Tangata: ok so basically, Me and Nsoor found where Tom hides his miracle cubes, but we can't break into it" "Nsoor: that's why we need your muscles, plus if you help us we'll share some" "Zenith: Aight I'm down yo mess with Tom!".

"Zenith: what in the actual hell is that?" "Nsoor: It's where Tom is hiding all the miracle cubes" "Zenith but why is it so big, he couldn't possibly have that many, right?" "Tangata: it's just really thick so it's hard with out warping inside, but none of us can with out Tom" "Nsoor: that's why we brought you here, cause we know you have a history of decimating things with one punch (totally not referencing a famous anime) so this giant shouldn't be too different" "Zenith: ok I'll give it a wearl" zenith is standing on a stone piller, he looks at his hands as stone suddenly surrounds them, he creates a wall behind, he uses to dash towards the safe as he winds up for a punch, shockwaves are sent through out the galaxy, felt by all, it was so strong that he almost sent Tangata back to last week, the dust starts to clear, reavling that, that he only made a scratch on it, "Zenith: jeez, thats the strongest thing I got, I don't think I'm the right person for this guys" "Tangata: I mean to be fair you made a scratch, so that's progress" "Nsoor: plus we both couldn't even do any damage to it" zeniths pocket starts vibrating "Zenith: **oh crap it's Ella**, sorry guys I gotta go" they both seem fatigued at Tangatas cave from all there unsuccessfull plans "Tangata: what about mason?" "Nsoor: he would never betray Tom" "mason in his own room: ***achew**" "Nsoor: plus, if zenith couldn't do anything then he surly couldn't" "Tangata: hmm, WAIT, WHAT ABOUT HUOLONG? he could like open it like a blow torch" "Nsoor: but he's off duty today and he said that if we bother him on his day offs that he'd turn us into honey chicken" "Tangata: yeah true, dats fax dats fax"

They're sitting at a table across from each other while the clock keeps on ticking, then they both stare at each other with a smile on there face "Nsoor: do you really think this could work?" "Tangata: it's so dumb that it has to!", they both step outside on the grass below, Tangata raises his katana, it starts changing colours, then it starts slowing down as it turns black, clouds start to form around them and lightning strikes, Tangata SLICES a portal leading to hell, they walk towards hammy with serious looks on there faces, they see the ruthless emperor infront, slave demons prepared to attack, Brutes ready to turn them to paste, "Tangata now with a not so serious face: yo hammy, we'd like to make a deal with you" "hammy: keep going" as he's smiling "Nsoor: so basically Tom is hiding this thing from us in a giant safe and we can't break through" "hammy: well if it is to mess with Tom then I don't need anything in return" "Tangata: oh, wait, really?" "Hammy: yup" "Nsoor: I never thought I'd ever make a deal with the inventor of evil and yet here we are" "Hammy: ok so how can I assist you two?" "Tangata: Well if you just follow us-" "Gabriela: but sir, what if it's a trap?" "Hammy: I know a lier when I see one, and they're not lying, plus if they were to lure me into a trap, then I will have no problem fighting them" "Tangata: ok as I was saying, if you could just follow us back to our world and open this safe for us" "Hammy: been tired of sitting around gobbling upuniverses" "Nsoor: ngl, kinda strange how you just slipped that detail in there" "Hammy: oh don't worry, that small detail will be important later" "Tangata: **GULP**" "Nsoor: you said we had a deal so no funny business" "Hammy: no need to worry, I love to @$#% around with Tom so I'm all in on this plan of yours" hammy then summons a portal that leads to the giant safe without directions and without them telling him "Tangata: ok we're here, still Don't know why he made it so big" "Hammy: ehh, I've seen bigger safes" "Nsoor: wait you have? What ever just, blast a hole through so we can go in and grab all the cubes" Hammy then teleports his trident to his hand, it starts changing from its light blue shade to a dark blood red, his grin starts to get bigger and his pupils dilute, he points it to the safe as Tangata and Nsoor watch from far away fearing for there life as Hammy is still charging his shot, "Tangata whispering: I think I made a horrible decision making a deal with hammy" "Nsoor: yeah definitely did" Hammy finally shoots, the safe starts turning red from where he shot with red sparks of lightning surround it, the entire material that the safe is made out of starts imploding like a balloon, chunks and specks of dust starts flying everywhere, Nsoor and Tangata look back to see that the safe is gone and only the middle of it is left, "Tangata: THAT MUST BE WHERE THEY ARE!" Nsoor flys towards hammy "Nsoor: yo thanks for doing this for us man" "Hammy: if you ever wanna @#$% around with Tom then make sure to include me" "Nsoor: yeah yeah sure sure" they both excitedly fly towards it while hammy warps out, Nsoor tares it open like a present, they both look inside with big smiles just to see nothing inside "Tom: **AHEM AHEM**, Looking for this are you now?" They see him holding it "Tom: this is actually the last one that I have, as Mia took the rest" "Tangata: PLEASE TOM, I'M BEGGING YOU HERE, PLEASE GIVE US THAT LAST CUBE" "Nsoor: WE WENT THROUGH SO MUCH TROUBLE PLEASE MAN, don't be that guy bro" Tom then proceeds to crush it with his hands turning it to dust "Tom: woops, my bad" then he turns his hand 90° making it fall into empty space as they both watch in horror "Tom: should've been more patient" then he warps out of there "Nsoor: come on man, let's go back home" "Tangata: *sigh* fine, let's go to my place again"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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