old friends

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Issei awoke to see raynare sleeping peacefully in his bed. The genjitsu must have worn off. Issei strip off his clothes and then raynare woke up. What are you doing pervert she said with her face as red as rais hair. This is my room so I'm changing. I out my pants on. So raynare tell me did you enjoy your time. She remember the genjitsu. What did you do to me she said. Well my lovely raynare I put you under a genjitsu. What is that. It like a world that one controls to tormented there enemy. Issei hand a bag of clothes to raynare. Here wear these dont want my parents freaking out about  your clothes. Wait why didn't you just kill me. Simple your my mate issei then pointed at a dragon head tattoo on her arm. You mark me she was shocked that he mark a woman that was going to kill him. Get dressed and come down for breakfast. Issei walk down stairs and set another plate up which confused his parents. We have a guest was all he said. Raynare came down stairs and sat. Mom dad this is raynare my girlfriend raynare my parents. issei mom forgot about her food  and started to show her baby picture and stuff of me and she seemed to be enjoying her self. My dad patted me on the shoulder and gave me a thumbs up with tears comeing out of his eyes. Raynare why dont you go take a bath it upstairs. She did that and than issei turned to both his parents. Issei used his absolute obedience on his parents "issei hyoudou command you to let any girl I bring home to live here". See ya raynare I yelled up. I left for school.

Issei was siting in class listening to the teacher than kiba the schools prince came in. Rais would like to see issei hyoudou. Very well issei you may go. Issei got up and followed kiba. So do yall alway pull people out of class or am I special. We dont usually but rais wanted to talk to you. Rais is one of the school's top girls right. She is kiba said. He walk into the old school house and knock on a door. Come in issei aknoe said from the other side. We walk in to see konerko,rais,and, aknoe. Now what would you need with on of the perverted trio Issei said.we wish to ask you a couple of question if that ok with you. Ask away gremory I'll answer to the best of my ability. Are you aware of the supernatural. I am a fallen attack me this weekend. How are you still alive. Issei brought out Ddraig. Hello rais gremory Ddraig voice said. I also have another sacred gear but it does not wish to be seen at this moment. Very well then I'll cut to the catch do you want to join my peerage. Sure why not Issei said with a smile. Rais stood up and put a one pawn it was not enough she used all her her pawn pieces it did not work. She walk two her desk and took out a mutated pawn piece. It took all the pawn pieces and a mutated piece. You must be very strong. I am president and I'll do everything in my power to help you. Oh my he seems to be very loyal aknoe said. She is my king and I'm her servant. I like to think of us more of a family rais started. So would you be the dad in said family or mom Ddraig asked. Ok rais would be the dad,aknoe the mom,konerko the litte sister,kiba the older brother issei said to Ddraig. What if you was to fall in love with aknoe. Well Ddraig simple we have some insest going on here. Pervert konerko said. Everyone have some type of dirty secret that they enjoy. Come on new older brother your comeing with me. Issei grab kiba arm and walk out of the room.

Issei POV
I grab kiba arm becase I'm was going to help him with the sword issue. So issei why did you drag me out here. Well kiba we are going to steal something. Kiba was taken back. What do you mean. I know the location of multiple fragments of the holy sword that you hate so much because of the holy sword experiment. Kiba stop walking all together. How do you know about that. I'll tell you when we get to my house sound good. Fine was all he said and was quiet the whole way to my house. We entered the house to be greated by raynare. Is that not the fallen that tried to kill you. She tried but failed and is now my mate. Raynare we will be up stairs talking. Ok she said trying to find something to watch on the TV. Me and kiba was seating in my room. How do you know about the holy sword experiment. Simple I'm from the future. What do you mean. Darkness made her self know by showing kiba his memory. Why didn't you tell rais. Simple I'm going to help each of yall one by one. But dose it not hurt you. Come again I asked confused. Yoh got them to fall in love with you now that all gone. It stings a bit that they dont have the same feelings anymore but I can make them fall in love with me all over again. Now then 4 fragments are here in town the deal is I get you these and you do me one favor no question asked. I extend a hand and kiba shook it. Now dont let anyone know act normal. Very well kiba said standing up and left. Raynare then came in. You where listening weren't you. I was was all she said. Surprised I know where the fragments are. Not really like you said you are from the future but you can't touch it how will you get it to him. Raynare make a light spear. She did so and I grab it. How are you not burning your a devil. I let out all my wing tails and ears. I'm a hybrid of alot of stuff. How is this possible I'll explain later came to bed. She laid next to me in bed and cuddled up next to me and fell asleep

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