𖦹 : 𝟎𝟎𝟏 : 𖦹

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The world was so broken. Humans were so simple minded, so naïve. They walked around with smiles on their faces as though they all had such perfect lives. But could you really blame them, for them, the life they had was perfect.

They all clung onto something, something to give them that fulfilment all us humans look for. Whether it be money, family, or a lover. It was something, it could even be a dream. 

It just sickened me to think that people could still laugh and have smile on their faces knowing that everyday someone was dying, someone was killed, teenagers were committing suicide.

But I guess that's a bit hypocritical of me, because I'm doing the killing. I get sick pleasure in watching others die, watching others beg me for forgiveness, beg for their lives. I don't kill good people who have done nothing wrong. Although I probably wouldn't have cared as much even if I did.

It's not like I'm the one pulling the trigger to end lives anyways –although I've done it before-. Not that I really cared about the lives my comrades killed anyways. It was my job to hack into systems to find their locations and weaknesses. 

I loved that job; it was so thrilling. 

As a child I had always hated my life. It was so boring so unfulfilled. But, computers, they really understood me, they stood out to me. So much to decode, so much to piece together, so much information to dig up.

Outside of my job I was your normal everyday boring person. Even if I knew I wasn't, I still felt sick to my stomach when people looked at me as though I was one of them, as though they were equal to me. The thought of being equal to such naïve creatures was always such a sad thought. I could have hacked into anyone's computers, took over their cameras, got their address and sent some men to kill them.

The thought made me giddy. I probably looked as though I was a child on Christmas morning while I walked to the nearest coffee shop with my laptop bag around my torso, so I could get to work as soon as I sat down.

It was peaceful in Tokyo now, it was early, about 8:00 a.m., and traffic hadn't started yet. The sun was beaming, the sky clear of rain clouds, cars passing by at a slow pace, and no one who walked beside you was in any rush to get to their destination.

As I finally made it to a small coffee shop in the middle of town. It had a pink, green and white aesthetic to it. Potted plants laying in corners, some hanging of the ceiling, and vines with flowers flowing gracefully on the wall.

It was a beautiful shop, put together nicely, and the people that worked there were all kind –although I didn't try very hard to make conversation-. It was always quiet and had this calming atmosphere to it.

Walking into the café there was a girl behind the counter making a cup of coffee. She had dark brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a maroon apron with a white button up shirt to go with it. Every time I came here, she had this permanent smile on her face, not once had I seen her without it. 

"The usual Ms. A" was the first thing she said once she saw me. I gave her a small nod in response as I looked around the seemingly empty coffee shop.

"We just opened up, so no costumers have come in yet". Her back was turned to me as she made my order. I wasn't really paying attention to her though. Too busy reading my emails from my boss and groaning in frustration at how he gave me such little time to do my work.

"Stupid old man doesn't understand how hard my job is". I mumbled under my breath with a sneer on my face.

"Here's your order Ms. A, if there's anything you need don't hesitate to ask". Again, with a smile and sweet voice, and again all I offered her was a nod in return. I didn't give her a tip I have bills to pay.

Finally, I was able to settle down at a table and get to work, placing my laptop in front of me and going through some more emails. I was so focused on my work I didn't realize someone had sat next to me until an overly loud voice made me jump in my seat.

"Y/n I'm going to kill myself", Utahime was one of my best friends, she didn't work in my industry she was an elementary school teacher. How she dealt with those kids I have no idea. She had her head on the table sulking as slight sniffles could be heard.

"Oh my god baby what's wrong, you want a piece of this cookie?" I asked, rubbing her shoulder, trying to comfort her the best way I could. Although I didn't really like social interaction, my best friends were an exception.

"I won't be able to see my students because of winter break" her voice slightly cracked at the end of her sentence. "Bitch what?! You are crying over annoying pests... chile you weird." I said rolling my eyes. 

She looked at me with shock in her eyes and her plump lips slightly parted. "They are not annoying pests they are cute great children, and I will miss them!" She huffed as she put her head back down. 

I slid a napkin under her arms so she could wipe her nose and went back to typing on my computer not really interested in the conversation anymore. She sat up straight and took the napkin making an obnoxious noise as she blew her nose.

"Thanks now let me show you a picture-" I interrupted her not really wanting her to show me pictures of kids and fangirling about how cute they are and how she wished she had her own demons running around her house.

"No, don't worry I already got it...and they are... SO ADORABLE!! Can I meet one at least please I want to see their cute little faces!" I didn't have a problem with children if they suited my standards. Which was high, and I haven't met not one kid that I had truly wanted to see again.

She looked at me with a straight face and crossed arms. She sighed and nodded her head in approval. Probably because I finally said I wanted to meet the kids she was so attached to.

"Thank you thank you thank you!! But how will I meet them because it's not like you can just take them to this cafe or my house..." I trailed off once I noticed the smirk on Utahime's face, and I already knew what she had in mind.

"No, no, no Utahime. I told you before and I will say it again no way..." I said turning my head away from her not wanting to see the eyes that always seemed to put me in a trance and made me bend to her will.

"Oh, come on Y/n, you want to see the kids and I need the help. Please, do it for the kids" She pleaded.

"Fine, fine I'll do it." I sighed, shamefully caving in. I could never win an argument against this girl, and it always pissed me off.

"You start tomorrow, and I'll be leaving 30 minutes early because I have a date!" Now it just sounded like she was asking me to babysit for her. 

I instantly regretted agreeing to this.


This chapter is brought:
Author: MrFushiguro
Editor: CorruptJasmin

This chapter is brought:Author: MrFushiguroEditor: CorruptJasmin ♥️

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