𖦹 : 𝟎𝟎𝟐 : 𖦹

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The day started like any other perfect morning. The sun's rays lightly shining through the blinds, birds whispering to each other, a few cars driving idly by, and you soundly sleeping in a king size bed only fix for a queen such as yourself.

Prior to this peaceful scene, you were finishing the assignment your boss ordered you to do. You were complaining to Utahime, who was on the phone with you since you got home. Eventually you finished and Utahime told you to sleep remind you that she would be arriving to your house early the next morning.

Which leads you back to this tranquil moment.

6:30 AM MONDAY; DECEMBER 19,2022|

You were 'gracefully' sleeping in your bed when a rush of dinging sounds came swarming from your phone. You were a deep sleeper but this was top tier annoying. You tried your best to ignore the dreadful noise but, it became to much. Slowly shifting to the side to glance at your phone; you pick it up only to squint your eyes due to the brightness of your phone.

When your eyes finally adjusted to the light you see it as notifications from your doorbell. You had the latest 'Ding' doorbell installed because you were not about be caught lackin just incase a target's allies were to show up. You tap on the app to see who the hell was at your door this early in the morning.

And there she was in all her glory, Utahime impatiently waiting at your door with three coffees and a bag with a nearby bakery logo on the front. Letting out a deep sigh you slowly rise from your comfortable position, standing on the cold floor. Ignoring the change in temperature, you walk with your eyes slightly closed. After walking down your stairs and going past the kitchen, you soon made it to the door. Taking a deep breath before opening the door to be met with demon eyes.

"DID YOU NOT GET MY CALL,TEXTS, OR ME RINGING YOUR GODDAMN DOORBELL!" the angry woman yelled, as she stormed into the house heading straight for the kitchen. You didn't reply, still half asleep from going to bed so late last night. You close the door and make your way to your clean kitchen, which was being a den for the 'evil Utahime' unpacking the pastries. "Look I'm sorry, I just never wake up this early and you know this..." your sentence being cut off by a yawn, walking towards Utahime to wrap your arms around her waist. You've never been an affectionate but there were exceptions. Like this, when you were trying to calm down an 'angry Utahime'.

You placed your head on her shoulder and tightened your grip to pull her in an affectionate hug  "Utahime can you forgive me please, you know i would never leave you outside..." you whined, trying your best to calm her anger. "Ok fine but only because you're cute like this. Now, can you please go get ready we have to leave here by 7:20 and I don't like to be late." she sighed in defeat. She gets mad sometimes but she couldn't stay mad at you, you were rarely affectionate and seeing you like this always calmed her down

You nodded your head as you headed for your room to get ready. before making it to the stairs you stopped. "What?" Utahime questioned seeing you stop in your tracks. You slowly turned around and questioned, "What do I even wear?". Utahime deeply sighed and mumbled something you couldn't pick up but you didn't press on it. "Anything just make sure its school APPROPRIATE; no short-shorts, no crop-tops, also no ripped jeans, thank you." Utahime spoke, explaining the word appropriate due to your past clothing choices. You always wore whatever you were comfortable with, not caring about the stares you would get for your "scandolous" outfits.

You quickly took note of this and ran up the stairs. Pushing your room door open you speed-walk to your closet. Turning on your closet light, you soon start shuffling through the rows of clothes for some sort of outfit. You finally picked out a pair of non-ripped blue jeans and a classic vintage black baggy Tshirt. Tossing the clothes on your bed, you walk back in your closet to brag a pair of air-force one's. Walking back to your bed, nodding your head at the outfit. Immediately after, you walk to your nicely done bathroom and start to do your morning routine.


Several minutes later, you were done getting ready, and you were just adding some accessories to your outfit, you hear Utahime scream, "Y/N LETS GO, ITS 7:15!" After hearing this you scatter for your phone and laptop, put them in your bag and head downstairs. "Ok I'm done." you tell the teacher who was already waiting by the door. She opens the door and leaves it open, so you grab your keys and lock the door after closing it.

After entering and starting the car, you put on your seatbelt and looked down at the coffee and pastries. "Two are for me and one is for you." Utahime said looking straight the road and only taking few glances at you. "Why do you get two and I only get-" you started but was interrupted by the teacher. "Because one cup has coffee inside and the other has tea." You nodded while checking your phone for a new assignment from your boss. You had received a job to find and send men to kill a man who owed money boss money but never paid.  


8:00 AM MONDAY; DECEMBER 19,2022

Before finally reaching the school, you and Utahime stop by 'Barns and Books' so Utahime could get some books for her students and you were browsing for some manga. After impatiently waiting for you to pick one, you guys finally left and made it to the school on time.

After entering the classroom behind Utahime you see her start fixing the room. "Would you like some help with that?" you asked the calm women. "Yes please, Oh and I might need your help from time to time. Like for grading papers, having individual time, or story time before they take their nap." The calm teacher replied, handing you the broom. You nodded, hoping it would not have to come to the last two suggestions.

Soon after you were done sweeping, you head to the large table in the back of the room to setup your laptop for work. You immediately sat down, placed your bag down and took out your laptop. You left your manga in your bag so when you finished with you work you could read it. You heard the sound of tapping keys and looked at Utahime, who was also on her computer. She glanced at the clock, got up and headed for the door. The bell suddenly rang.

You jumped at the loud sound but also from the rush of students at came in. The mix of talking and laughing that filled the room was irritating. It was going to be a long week...


Authors Note:HI HI, SORRY THAT THIS IS LATE, me and deadlines are not friends at all 💀 anyways TELL ME HOW YALL DOIN SPILL ANY TEA (if your comfortable) BC MY CUP IS DRYCredits : CorruptJasmin ♥️

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Authors Note:
HI HI, SORRY THAT THIS IS LATE, me and deadlines are not friends at all 💀 anyways TELL ME HOW YALL DOIN SPILL ANY TEA (if your comfortable) BC MY CUP IS DRY
Credits : CorruptJasmin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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