Chapter 3: Auditions (redone)

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Additions are so damn stressful. Not just for the canidates but for the Smosh and Smosh Games crew.

"Okay next," Anthony says obviously stressed.

"Mari, who's up next?" I ask.

"Marilynn Carmi." Mari replies, bluntly.

Anthony and I ask Marilynn a series of questions. Marilynn leaves the room.

"Okay, why the hell did we do this?" I ask.

"I don't know Mari wanted more people on the Smosh crew?" Sohinki replies questionably.

I look over at Mari. Even she doesn't seem to know any more.

"Hey how many are left? Also, no one is really Smosh material," Joven says. There was a groan of agreement to Joven's comment. I can see everyone is eager to sit down and be done with this crap.

"Last one, Saige Blazer." Anthony answers Joven's question.

"FINALLY!" I yell.
Anthony goes to get Saige.

Saige walks into the room with Anthony.

Saige's appearance catches my eye. She looked different, she walked different. Something with a bit more energy or sass.

Saige has shoulder length, light brown hair with pink hilights. Her bangs just cover a part of her forehead. Saige also has periwinkle eyes, thin lips, and a tiny nose, that goes perfectly with the rest of her face.

Saige POV

"I am going to get into Smosh. Smosh said I would be 'okay Smosh material'. Yeah and I bet no one got that from Smosh!" The girl in front of me braggs. I think her name is Sophia.

"Yo, girlie, about half the people here probably got that in their email, you ain't the only one," I fight back. I can tell about everyone still in line is one hundred percent annoyed with Sophia.

"Uh! Your just jealous."

"Yeah right. . ." Sophia is acting like a puppy begging for treats, she's annoying.

Sophia finally is called inside.

A girl turns to me. She was pretty with her black hair, and shining bright, brown eyes. "God, Sophia is so annoying. I knew her since first grade," the girl says.

"Oh I'm so sorry for you," I cover my hand over my mouth acting sad. Part of me really does feel sympathy for her, Sophia seemed so irksome.

"Everyone says that. I should be apologizing too, I forgot to introduce mysefl, I'm Marilynn." Marilynn holds her hand out.

I shake her hand, "Hi I'm Saige."

After that, almost imminently, Anthony calls Marilynn in.

"Oh my god, bye!" Marilynn waves goodbye to me. I wave back, trying to show her good luck.

I wait for a couple minutes until Anthony calls me in.

I walk in. My nerves tingle, my heart races.

"Hi! I'm Saige Blazer." I start to talk, attempting to forget my nervousness.

"Hey, Saige, Ian will ask you questions. The fans will comment bellow who they want on the Smosh crew. Ian start filming," Anthony directs.

"Lets start out basic, some of the questions will be from the pervious Smosh pit auddition. What is your favorite video game?" Ian asks.

"I have to say. . . Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."

"You a Nintendo girl?" Anthony pipes up.

"Uh, hell yeah." I reply. "Come on Anthony I need a high-five."

Anthony comes over and high-fives me.

"Okay next question. What is your favorite pokèmon?" Ian asks.

"Squritle the turtle. But I'm not much of a pokèmon fan though, I only know them from Smash Bros."

". . ." Ian is silent for a moment. "Next question. . . Favorite T.V. show?"

"Mtv Eye Candy."

"Favorite book?"

"What's a book?" I get a small laugh out of the Smosh crew.

"You know its something with words. . . Screw it. Now another thing from Smosh Pit auditions: If there was an akward silence what would you do?"

"I would-" I look into Ian's blueish grey eyes. He is just sitting there, quiet. It's just silent rambling. "I would-" I cut myself off again. I look around in the room everyone is staring at me. I turn on my phone and play a cricket chirping. Then I scream: "Ian you idiot!" And stop the cricket sounds.

It startels everyone in the room except me.

"This question is also from the Smosh Pit audition. If I was a five year old boy and I asked 'how are babies made?' What would you say and or do?"

"I would say, 'It happens when a mommy and daddy love each other a lot, go ask daddy for the rest."

I hear small chuckles from the Smosh crew again.

"Next question," Ian laughs while he speaks. "If you were on a deserted island and you could only wish for three things, what would they be? And your cellphone doesn't have service."

"Hm," I think for a moment. "I would choose a knife, scissors, and a slingshot."

"If you, me, and Anthony where in the zombie apocalypse, who would you sacrifice first?"

"I have to say. . . Anthony."
Anthony looks down at Ian and then me with a glare. I shrug and look innocent, but have a bit of a smirk.

"Well, I think that is it for now. Thanks for coming. Guys time to vote" Ian flips the cam over to him.
I leave the room with a smile. That was easier than I thought.

Getting to the Top (A Smosh Games Fan-Ficton)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang