Chapter 9: Don't Worry About Me (Redone)

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Saige POV
Everyone looks at me. I cross my arm, which it hurts to.
Joven's eyes are wide open, "You okay?" He asks, in a concerned voice..
"Yes, I'm one-hundred percent alright," I say sarcastically, trying to keep my cool. I pause before I speak again. "Of course I'm not okay, I feel like I got into a wrestling match." My voice rises.
"What happened then?" Joven worries.
I sigh, then begin to explain. "Teens happened, god the teens here are so rude. I think they broke my glasses too." I say frustrated. I half limp half walk over to a seat by Lasercorn.
"What do you mean that the teens are so rude here?" Anthony sounds offended.
I sigh, "About eighty percent of people here have been stuck up. Where I come from many citizens are kind and down-to-earth. I don't know if it is because here in the capital or if it is just me. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just frustrated."
People look around the room at each other. Ian then speaks up, "So where is the pink sprinkled frosted donuts?" Anthony hits his friend in the back of the head. "Sorry," Ian apologizes.
"No, it's fine, they are in the back of my car," I toss Ian my keys.
Ian goes outside to get his beloved donuts. I stand up, Joven and Anthony instantly rush to assist me. Joven helps me all the way to my room then rushs back to the living room to help Ian, I guess.
Anthony continues to help me.
"Can I get you something?" Anthony asks, urgently.
"Do you have tea, if you don't just get me water," I reply, calmly.
Anthony rushes out of my room. I get situated.
In a few seconds, Anthony is back at my help with a mug of tea.
"Thanks," I say. I pull myself up a little bit.
"Any thing else?"
"Anthony, I'm alright now," I smile. "The question really is can I help you with anything. Because I think you really miss Kalel."
Anthony hit me on the head a bit hard but I really don't care. I open Saige's trunk.
There was a lot of boxes of donuts. I wonder what the clerk thought when Saige asked for this many boxes of donuts.
I walk back in with a large stack of donuts. Joven helps be carry the other boxes inside.
He taps my shoulder to get my attention when our hands are free.
"Ian, can we go somewhere private?" He asks. I back away slowly. "Not in that way," he panics.
I calm down then say, "Sure let's go into my room." Joven and I sneak into my room.
Joven slams the door behind him and locks it. I plop down on the bed. Joven starts to pace around in my room.
Joven starts sliding his feet on the floor as he paces. " Joven, calm down! Your pacing is getting annoying," I snap.
"Sorry, Ian," Joven blurted out. "Does Anthony like Saige?"
I nod, "Yeah, as a friend, I think."
"No! Not that type of like! Like crush type."
"Joven why do you want to know. . ."I start inappropriately laughing.
" Ian it's not funny!" He snaps.
I take some deep breaths to clam down, "So you like Saige?"
He nods," I don't know if I'm going crazy or what? Ian help me!"
"Um, I don't speak the language of love since me and Melanie broke up. A.K.A someone like Lasercorn or Sohinki because Anthony doesn't like to speak about that stuff."
"Okay, okay, got it. Thanks Ian," Joven opens the door and walks out the room.
I get up and follow him. I didn't even really help Joven though.
I don't see Anthony anywhere when I get back in the living room.
"Hey, where is Anthony?" I ask Mari.
"Helping Saige," Mari replies.
Maybe Anthony does like Saige. I mean lately he has been acting weird around her. It was Anthony's idea to have the birthday party for her, and now he is assisting her.
He could be trying to fill that gap to make him feel better.
I really hope that the next chapter is longer, this feels like one of my shortest chapters.
Any way like I asked last chapter comment the POVs for chapters 11 and 12. Choices are:
And Joven

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