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December 5th, 1986:

"Lia, how have you been since the death of
Pheonix?" Narcissa asked her friend, whilst Celeste poured more milk into her cup of tea.

The Three pureblood mothers were sitting in the living room at the Seramore manor having their weekly catch-up.

It had only been a couple of years since the unfortunate and rather odd passing of Ophelia Zabini's first husband and the father to her only son: Blaise Hunter Zabini.

Unlike most widows, Celeste's twin sister was surprisingly in happy spirits, Blaise was acting out more, craving his mother's attention, and willing to do anything to get it.

Her only child wasn't as close with his father as he is his mother, Draco is the same with Narcissa too, while Artemis was a daddy's girl.

So when Blaise's father had suddenly passed away of natural causes, the four-year-old boy at the time was upset at first but as time went on he got used to the vacant third seat at the dinner table.

His cousin, Artemis Seramore, and best friend Draco helped distract the hyperactive boy by doing whatever they could.

This meant they all got into lots of trouble, the trio did as much as they could.

They had been caught multiple times trying on Lucius Malfoy and Ezekiel Seramore's clothes and pretending to be them.

Blaise even used the eldest Malfoy's brush to comb through his Kinky hair, so he could get into character.

Lucius was not amused in the slightest, however, when the young wizards and witch left his room, the smallest smile appeared on his face. he knew that the youngest Zabini needed to process the death of his father, and he was just glad that his son and his goddaughter were helping the poor boy.

He knew what it was like to have a close friend since he and Ezekial had been friends since they were born.

He constantly went to the Seramore manor whenever his father had told him countless times that he was going to be a disgrace to the Malfoy name, he had sought refuge at his best friend's house, where he always felt welcomed by his Godfather Septrim Seramore.

He honestly didn't know what he would've done without his best friend, and hopefully, he would never have to find out. That was another reason as to why he wasn't too angry when he had found the three troublemakers in his room.

He was just glad Draco was close to other purebloods from respectable families.

"I'm doing fine my dear, Blaisy is the one I have to worry about, I found him trying on my heels yesterday, and honestly he looked good in them." the three witches started to laugh.

Celeste shook her head at the thought of her nephew raiding her sister's wardrobe, she wasn't surprised at all, as Artemis always did the same.

"Perhaps it's a sign he will join the family business, Lia," Narcissa said, once the laughter died down.

Ezekiel's mother; Sapphire Zabini who was Ophelia and Celeste's distant relative, started her fashion line for witches across the globe back in the 1950s.

"La Mente"

It means "the mind" in Italian, she chose to name her business due to her husband Septrim constantly praising her for her brains.

The business took off after a couple of months, which was not surprising as Sapphire was a very talented and crafty witch.

Perhaps Blaise Would take after his distant relative.

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