𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

571 37 32


Friday, May 1st


"Bloody hell."

Said a stunned Ron Weasley as he stepped into the secretive room that resided next to the Astronomy room. After breaking out of Gringrotts with a dragon as their getaway vehicle, they spent their time battling to find the rest of the Horcrux's, when they ran into an insisting Blaise who brought them to Mente Striae.

"I knew it," Harry shook his head in shock.

A wave of calmness washed over them, it was as overwhelming as it was refreshing. Having a bounty on them never allowed them to feel anything apart from paranoia, fear and dread.

"Oh, get just in," Blaise dragged them into his family room, looking behind before abruptly slamming the door shut. He couldn't risk a thing or the whole operation would go tits up.

"I thought you were lying Harry, I thought Artemis must've tricked us of something," Hermoine uttered.

"Umm that's my cousin you're on about."

Ignoring him, Hermoine took note of everything in this room and let out a laugh of disbelief.

"Why do I feel so calm?" She asked, "This doesn't feel normal, right, I shouldn't be feeling like this, should I? Am I the only one who feels eerily calm?"

Ron blinked, "Most calm I've felt in months."

"It's a spell that my ancestor Adriel placed on the room when he built it into the castle all those years ago, his own spell, don't ask us how he perfected it," Blaise informed, as he busied himself in the corner of the room, looking for something, not that they took much notice of it. "Adriel wanted his kids to have someone to relax with when their studies got hard. And it's Hogwarts, nothing is ever easy or simple. So being the helpful wizard he was, he made sure they wouldn't have a care in the world when they entered this dome."


Blaise added, "And yes, this is where we've been keeping one of your housemates."

"Dean was here? How is that possible, with the Carrows sniffing around how did you even get him in?" Hermoine inquired.

Walking around they took everything, the plant-filled table, the lonely window, the tall bookcase filled with books, the bean bags that shifted to chairs which shifted to stools and so on. The soft music playing in the background from a record player, muggle stuff in a pureblood room? A Polaroid camera, pictures of the pureblood 5 when they couldn't be more than 12, near a wall filled with Letters — initials, that must've belonged to everyone that stepped in there. Wall of Ghosts.

"Bloody hell that must date back—"

"—years and years, it's a wall of ghosts Ron," Harry said obviously, receiving a pointed look from his best friend.

"Potter's got it," Blaise snorted, "and how I got Dean in here is a long story, just know he's been alright."

"I bet he bloody has, it's like a paradise in here. Imagine the naps you could have in here," Ron gawked, wanting to drop onto the bean-bags he stood near.

Hermione squinted at him, "The naps? You see something as extraordinarily peculiar as this and all you can think about is sleeping?"

"Considering the lack of sleep we've been getting for the past year. Yes, 'Mione, that's where my head is at."

𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ━━ D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now