backstory ~ chaeryeong

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Chaeryeong POV:
my diary.

hey! my name is Chaeryeong. I haven't told you much about me soo, here you go!
when i was little, i had this one friend. I think her name was Lisa? Or.. Lira..? i dont know. i dont remember. but i miss her, i really do.
she was my only friend, we were always together until one day something came up.
i knew nothing about it, what happened was i had to move away, to a different country.
i didnt know how to tell her, i was so sad.
and once i told her, she was too.
i had the BEST parents, they always treated me well, bought me nice things,
i loved them, a lot.
i miss them.
after a few weeks of living at our new house, we drove to the mall to get me some new clothes because my old ones were way too small, and we didnt have time to buy new ones.
we were on the highway, my dad was driving really fast. maybe 120km per hour.
all of a sudden, the car lost control, the brakes didnt work, it just wouldnt stop driving.
we drove onto the other side of the road. a massive truck was coming our way, and thats when it happened.
it hit our car, i blacked out.
i woke up in a hospital, i was confused, and didnt know what was going on.
my aunt was standing infront of my bed.

auntie? whats going on?
"oh.. chaeryeong. im so sorry honey."

she started crying.

whats wrong? i asked.
"your parents.. they.. theyre in a beter place now. im sorry honey.."
what! no!

my uncle walked in, crying.
'chaeryeong, we are so sorry.'

and since that day, ive been living with my auntie and uncle. im forever grateful for them.
one thing my parents never told me is that i had a sister. my aunt told me is that for some reason they kept her secret. her name is Chaeyeon, she lived with my auntie and uncle before me.

 her name is Chaeyeon, she lived with my auntie and uncle before me

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here is my pretty sister!! ^^ <3

so, that's basically my backstory.
and yes, things have gotten better. thankfully!
i will never get over my parents death, but they will forever be in my heart.

i love u mom and dad
-Lee Chaeryeong

i closed my diary.
thats enough writing for today!
im tired, im gonna go get some rest.
i have to go back to the auditons, and practice.
i hope i get in!

found you again ~chaerliaWhere stories live. Discover now