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for 1-800-LEVI0SA hope you enjoy love <3

Hey Saule!

            How are you doing? I'm sorry you couldn't come to the World Cup. But it is your fault because I told you to study and you didn't amd then you failed your O.W.Ls so great job acheiving that accomplishment. Anyways, dad told me something I probably shouldn't be writing about just in case it gets intercepted but who cares. He's told me the Goblet of Fire's being brought back to Hogwarts. I'm thinking of putting my name in just for fun. I mean what's the worst that can happen, it's not like my name's going to be chosen anyway. Well, I have to go, talk to you later.

Love the best twin brother in all of Hogwarts, Twiwizard Tournament winner Cedric.

im sorry.

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