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''Nice to meet you, y/n.''

She orders a drink for herself and a young man comes up to us.

''Romanoff, I almost thought you weren't going to show up!'' He says and I notice that she fakes a laugh at him.

''How could I not show up, it's a tradition.'' She takes a sip of her drink and shows no interest in keeping the conversation with him. Once he realizes that, he walks away.

''Not having much fun?'' I say and she shakes her head.

''It's all fun and games, being the richest citizen in New York, but everyone wants something from you. It's annoying,'' she sighs and smiles.

I take a sip from my wine and nod, not knowing what to say. 

''Speaking of which, what do you want?'' She asks and her face turns cold. ''Just a nice conversation with a pretty lady, that's all.'' I give her a slight smirk as she nods her head, not fully believing me. 

''So what are you doing in life?'' She tries to make eye contact. I know she's trying to see through me.

Fuck, what do I say? 

I gulp as I try to not get lost in her green eyes. I can't say something with lawsuits and law firms, she works in that section. A doctor wouldn't go to these kinds of parties, and I can't think of any other jobs that would earn lots of money but would have these sorta people. 

Sales. Sales are safe. You can earn lots of money, or not. They have all kinds of people, so these people could work in the sales branches too. ''Sales,'' I thus say quickly and she nods. ''Interesting.''

I think I got her trust more there.

''Was that girl that just walked away, your date?'' She then asks and I nod. I see her nodding slightly and before she can say anything I speak up again.

''We aren't anything, plus she's not as pretty as you are though,'' I say and wink.

"Of course not." She tries to hide a smile that is growing on her face as I said it.

I finish my wine and ask the bartender for another.

''Hold up, give us something stronger and less boring,'' Romanoff says and the bartender nods.

''Sensitive to alcohol. Once you get her to drink, she won't stop easily.''

''Have a little fun at this boring event,'' she says and winks at me. I see her eyes quickly glance over to my lips and back to my eyes as I smirk.

The bartender hands us our drinks and I see that the drinks he gave us whiskey is.

''There are boring people here, so even alcohol wouldn't make it more fun,'' I say while circling the drink in my hand.

''And what am I then?'' She asks. ''I haven't decided yet,'' I say and I tilt my head playfully.

We're already on our fourth round of stronger alcohol and I feel myself getting way less focused and tipsy even.

Abort Mission   |   Natasha RomanoffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt