An Awkward Chat

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We get to the penthouse and it was huge, and I mean huge.

"You're sure no one's home?" my dad asks

"yes just relax" Kate said as she puts her jacket on the table.

"This is a home?" my dad asks again

"Yeah my great, great, great, great grandfather built the built and I tried to swing on that chandelier and broke my arm so impressive all the way around" Kate said and I laughed a bit.

I follow her into the room with the computer and she starts typing away. She was bent down so her ass was in full view. I was trying to look away but I kept looking back at her. I didn't notice that Kate was able to see me in the reflection of the screen until she said "It's okay Y/N, I don't mind if you stare"

I got a bit flustered and tried to focus my attention on anything else but her.

"Shit" Kate said, "I've been locked out".

We walk back to find my dad with a sword by his throat "Jack no!" Kate yelled as we ran over.

"What the hell is going on and why is there an avenger and his daughter in my dining room?" a lady said coming into the room that we were in.

"Oh my god, you're acher" Jack said, I couldn't help but laugh a bit

"hawkeye" Kate corrected him.

"Clint" my dad said

"Y/N" I said

"Kate let's all talk, follow me" the woman said before showing us into a room with a table and chairs for all of us.

I sat in the middle of Kate and my dad with Jack and who I just found out to be Kate's mom, Elenor Bishop.

"Were working on a case together and stopped by to use the bathroom that's all" Kate said to try and explain herself

"Working on a case together?" Elenor asked

"Terrific!" Jack says.

"We're a team" Kate said confidently

"not a team" my dad tried to correct her.

"Well a team slash friends" Kate said

"I wouldn't describe her as a friend" my dad said, I mean I was annoyed a bit by Kate at first but she's warming up to me, why doesn't my dad like her though.

Elenor's phone made a noise "someone used my laptop to sign into my work account ten minutes ago, do you know anything about that Kate? Clint? Y/N?" she said. Kate sighed "I logged into your account because I needed information about bad people and people could get hurt"

this conversation was getting boring, I was half paying attention.

My dad said we wanted to leave and when Kate tried to get up with us her mom told her to stay and that she's going to walk us out.

I look over and see the ronin sword and then I look at my dad, thankfully Jack was thanking my dad for saving the world or whatever so I had time to take it without anyone knowing.

Elenor walked us to the elevator and clicked the button, "I just want to remind you that she is not a superhero" she said

"trust me, I know" my dad said.

"She's pretty good at this though" I say but Elenor snaps back with "Natasha Rommanof was pretty good at this to wasn't she, being good isn't enough to keep her alive".

I have never wanted to hit someone more, if she wasn't Kate mom she'd be on the floor sobbing for that comment.

"Clint, it's clear you have kids, it's been a hard week for my family and I can not lose her" Elenor said

"I understand" my dad replies

"So you'll drop this case?" she asked

"I can't do that but I'll make sure that your daughter is safe" my dad said before we both got into the elevator.

"Did you get it?" my dad asks after the doors of the elevator shuts so I open my jacket pocket to reveal the sword that I stole from Jack.

"That's my girl" my dad said with a smile.

"We start walking back to the apartment but my dad calls my mom to get more information and then her put me on the phone "hey mom" I say,

"Hey kiddo, how's new york?" she asks

"not as good as home" I say

"Well be home for christmas please but I have to go and make dinner for the kids but I love you" she says.

"I love you mom, bye" I say as I hang up the phone and hand it back to my dad.

We get to the apartment and my dad puts these slushy packets all over him to ice I guess, I head straight to the couch again and turn on the tv.

My dad lays down on the chair  and in a little while we hear someone on the buzzer.

"I got it" I say as I get up to see who's there, from the buzzer I hear Kate's voice saying "Let me in, I come barring pizza and holiday cheer" I let her in and in a matter of minutes she's opening the door with a bunch of bags in her hand and sets them down next to me on the couch.

"What is all this?" my dad asks

"this is me saving the holidays" Kate says as she starts to dig through the bags.

"I figured we could have our own christmas celebrations so it's not all sad before you get home" Kate said, she's so thoughtful.

"It's movie mariton night right? So I got us some movies" Kate said, holding up a stack of movies.

"Can we pause for a second and talk about sword boy for a second, you got good instincts kid" my dad said

"You mean?" Kate responded in confusion.

"So, I did a little digging and it turns out, Sloan's a shell company that launders money for the Tracksuits. And Jack Duquesne is the CEO." my dad said.

"Okay, well, we're just gonna have to come up with a plan to take down my mom's fiancé's organized crime ring while simultaneously having a heartwarming holiday celebration." Kate said.

A/N-it's winter break for me now so I might not write as much<3

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