Girls Night

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While walking none of us spoke, Kate just kept her arm around me while I cried. 

When we did get to her mom's I was able to calm down and stop crying, we walked through the front door and Elenor came in from another room looking shocked. "Kate? Are you okay?" she asked getting closer

she then looked at me "what are you doing here?" Eleanor said. 

"I'm okay and Y/N protected me, don't blame them" Kate said in my defence. 

I didn't say anything, even if I wanted to say something I don't think I could, I still couldn't even barely think. Elenor looked at Kate's face with tears in her eyes, I tried to focus on something else to give them their private moment. I heard Kate sob a bit and looked over to see Elenor and Kate hugging

 "i'm going to head to the bathroom" I said quietly and walked away quickly. I was able to find the bathroom and as soon as I shut the door I fell to my knees not giving me time to lock it.

 Seeing them hug just made me think about my dad, why didn't he hug me when I was crying on the roof. Why didn't he stay with me and be there for me so we could at least be there for eachother. I sit with my legs to my chest and my back against the door. I just sit there for a bit and try to clear my head the best I can. I stand up, look in the mirror, take a deep breath and wipe my tears. It's fine. Everything is fine. I look at myself in the mirror and see all the blood that's on my face, I take off my shirt leaving me in just my sports bra and wash all the blood off in the sink then I heard a knock. 

"It's me" I hear Kate say on the other side of the door

 "come in" I say looking down in the sink watching my blood go down the drain.

 The door opens and shuts, "I have things to clean your wounds and then we have to swing by my old place to grab a couple things" Kate said who was standing behind me.

 I turn around and try to take the things out of Kate's hands but she pulls away "I got you" Kate said with a smile

 I then sit on the counter of the bathroom as Kate steps forward and places the things next to me. She cleans up my face and puts bandages on, "all done" she said with a smile then she kissed my nose which made it scrunch up "and a kiss to make it all feel better" Kate said, that made me smile.

 "Thanks" I said, staring down at her

 "don't worry about it" Kate said getting closer to me and standing right in between my legs, I saw the smirk in her lips and I kissed her. I grab her hips to pull her closer and she grabs my face and her hands travel to the back of my head deepening the kiss. She tugs on my hair causing me to moan in her mouth, she pulls away and I try to keep kissing her and move my head forward but she gets away.

 Kate puts her hands on my thighs "as much as I want to continue this we have to go get my things" she said.

 I sighed then got down from the counter and picked up my shirt, before I put it on Kate pulled my back against her front by my waist. "I have something you can wear, I'll wash that for you" she said, taking the shirt out of my hand and then she left the room.

 I walk out of the room completely forgetting that i'm in a sports bar and run into Kate in the halls "what are you doing i'm bring the clothes to you" Kate said in a panic

 "I didn't know, sorry" I say as Kate tries to push me over to her room but her mom then walked towards us

 Kate say and stood in front of me "heyy mom" Kate said awkwardly

 "What is your friend doing with a shirt on?" Elenor asked

 "yeah i'm about to get her a shirt then we're going to go grab my thing" Kate said while pushing me in the room, coming in with me and shutting the door.

Shoot Your Shot-Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now