It's Begin (1)

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No one POV

It's a peaceful day in werewolf territory, Muzaka sit all day in his throne while waiting for someone.

" Where is she actually?. " He looked so impatient. Garda just let out a laugh, " She must be get lost, Lord. "

Meanwhile, the person that they're referring to is in a open field with some small wounds and bruises, smirking at the werewolf in front of her.

" Are we done yet?. " Lunark who doesn't have any bruises on her body sighed. Rose wanted to have a sparring with her, plus she can improve her fighting and combat skill.

" No. " She ran to her and swing her sword to Lunark hoping she can give her skin a single scratch, but Lunark easily dodged it and slammed her using a bit of her energy.

They've been sparing for 3 hours now, which make sense for Lunark still have much energy, since that's one of the perks of being a werewolf and Rose as a demigod grew tired.

" You sure?. Lord Muzaka won't be happy if h- "

" He won't. He still doesn't know that I'm his daughter. " She cut her as she got up while holding her right elbow and she tighten her grip to his sword, " I don't want to be a burden for him. "

They stay quiet for a couple of second until Lunark opened her mouth, " Tomorrow, in here and same time. Better not be late. " With that she left her.

Rose gritted her teeth, this is not the best time to relax. Gianna told her about a new prophecy. That witch has to be destroyed or she could lose people that she care and love.

" Here you are, Lunark told me that you had a sparring with her. " A familiar voice make her to look up. Muzaka look surprised which she thought that because of the bruises and wounds.

" Why are you crying?. "

" Huh?. " She then touch her cheeks and touch something wet. Her tears. She didn't know when and why is she crying. Is this because she's tired?. Or because she is afraid?. Frustrated?. Or maybe three of them.

" I want garlic bread. " Her glassy eyes are now staring at the current Lord of Werewolf.





In the other side,

M-21 is training with Frankenstein as he requested a day before. He wanted to help Rose in there, " You're not focusing, M21. "

M-21 widened his eyes as he saw bunch of sharp things in front of him. He then dodged it but come of the things still can get through his body, but he can heal his wound in a second.

Both of them landed on the ground. Frankenstein sharp blue eyes are staring at him, " You want to train with me but you're not taking it seriously. You couldn't help her if you keep doing that. "

" I'm sorry. " He look down as he clinched his fury fists. He hate when he cares about someone so deeply, he won't stop thinking about that person. Frankenstein sighed.

" We'll continue it tomorrow. You may rest now, I need to prepare dinner before master arrive. " With that he left him in the white room.

M-21 sighed. The scene where Zeus accused her while her eyes deadly looking at her brother's body keep playing at his mind. It was like she wanted to throw away her humanity after that.

Nico told them that Percy is really close to her. She even almost threw Nico to styx river after he betrayed Percy.

' You're such a tsudare person, huh mister. '

' Mister, Look what I found. A lucky penny!. '

' Mister you should try this, This is taste like heaven. '

' I stay quiet because I don't want to hurt them. I'm okay though, I have you, Tao, Takeo, My friends and Mr.Lee. '

" What should I do with you, Rose. " He sighed and moved his feet to the door so he can take a quick shower and eat dinner with the rest.


" Percy?. " He raised a brow as he saw a young adult boy sitting on the couch with his girlfriend beside him, " Yeah. I'm alive, Yippie. " He let out a sarcasm.

" What are you doing in here?. " Annabeth look at him. He could see eyebag under her eyes, he doesn't know if it because of her job as architecture or because of this problem.

" There's a new prophecy. About Rose and A daughter of Hecate. "


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