1. Flowers

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Aether and Lumine sat together on a tree. They were looking at the beautiful scenery of the sunset with Lumine humming an unknown song and Aether eating an apple. "Hey brother, can we go somewhere more comfortable? The leaves are getting in my hair." He nodded, jumped off the tree with his sister and dragged her somewhere. "Where are we going?", Lumine asked surprised. She didn't know that Aether knows this place so well. However she didn't get an answer to her question, only silence.

"Isn't it beautiful here? So many flowers and trees..." "Yes, it is! But do you know where we are?" Aether didn't know. Silence again.

I just hope we can find our way back home. Aether thought. He began to sweat out of anxiety and decided to take a rest on a stone next to him. "Hey Lumine, please be careful!"

Wow, the flowers look so weird. I'll pick some for Aether. I bet he will be happy. Huh-
There was a big black and dark blue hole. Two arms came out of it. Lumine started screaming and tried to run away. "AETHER! HELP!" I bet it's again one of her jokes where she's hiding and then scares me. "AETHER!" Aether didn't even move his fat ass. He was sitting on the stone and was touching the grass.

It's pretty quiet here. Oh no. Lumine. Did she mean it for real. The screaming. Is she in danger. What if-
Aether starts running and screaming for his sister. His face was full with tears. He looked everywhere. But, he didnt find her.

"LUMINE, WHERE ARE YOU!?" No answer. "LUMINE, SISTER, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Again no answer. No no no. Where is she. I cant see her. And its geting dark. "LUMINE!" Aether cries more and fell on his knees. He cried more and more till he got tired and fell.

Some hours later
"Hey, are you okay buddy?" "We can't let him here alone." "Yeah. We should take him with us." The group took him to their place where they live. "Damn boy he is pretty heavy." "Yes true, but we can't let him here alone Kaeya." said a woman with a purple hat.

"Wooh, my back was gonna break." "Where am I..?" Whispers Aether. "Oh Diluc look, he is awake. Hey traveler. My name is Kaeya. And this is Lisa. And this is our little ca-" "Stop talking Kaeya. He just woke up." Says Lisa and gives the Traveler a drink. "Are you better now?" Aether didn't answer. He was still thinking about his sister. "I think he cant talk. HEY CAN YOU HEAR ME?" "Kaeya, please stop screaming." "Where is my sister..?" asked Aether and stood up. "Hey! You cant just walk away." "I need to find my sister.." "Your sister? Did you lost her..?" Diluc looked to Kaeys but he didnt notice. "Yes, I did. Me and my sister wanted to travel. So we came to this forest. My sister saw some flowers and went to pick them. Then I was sitting and waiting for her.." "So you left her alone..?" "No I-" "Yes you did. A good brother or sister wouldnt let their siblings alone." "I just-" "Shhhhhhh.." Diluc puted his finger on Aethers lips. "Now, traveler, tell us more about you." "Okay, well. Lumine and I are twins. We always do everything together. Even when our mom told us something. Both of us ran to her. We never fighted. And until this day, nothing ever came between us.."

"Damn, thats kinda sad.." said Kaeya and thought about Diluc. "Yeah..I wish I had never left her alone.." "It will be okay. We can help you finding her if you want." "Oh really? Would you guys do that for me?" "Yes of course we would! But its getting late. That means we should go sleep and look for her tomorrow." said Lisa Aether got happy. "So traveler. Do you want me to show you where we life?" asked Kaeya. "Yes, sure!" They went outside. "By the way, my name is Kaeya." "Nice to meet you Kaeya." Kaeya blushed, but he tried to hide it. "Are you okay?" "Y-yes I am-" "Why are you hiding your face?" "It's nothing. Now, let me show you Mondstadt.."

"Wow, it looks so beautiful in the dark..wait, what is this guy doing in the fountain..?" "I dont know. Looks like he is looking for some mora." These people look so happy here. They are all together. They arent even fighting.And they look so kind. They are so nice. "Hey, what are you thinking about?" "N-nothing. I just wanna stay here for a little.." "If you want you can stay here for ever. You can even take your sister here. So you both life here with us!" Aether smiled and Kaeya smiled back. He was so glad that they found him. "By the way, I am Aether.."

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