Fallen Star Chapter 4

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"Be careful about touching him," Erik warned. "He says he's a guard—he may have defense reflexes."

"What the heck are defense reflexes?" Darcy asked sleepily, coming around the corner of the counter with a steaming cup of coffee. She was dressed in her usual jeans, t-shirt and jacket, but her hair looked mussed and her glasses sat low on her nose.

"A soldier will sometimes lash out if someone shakes his shoulder or prods him when he's asleep," Erik explained, facing Fenris and putting his hands in his pockets. "Especially if he is sick or hurt."

"I might lash out too if somebody shook me when I was hurt," Jane muttered, then stepped around the coffee table and sat on the edge of the couch near Fenris' hip, gazing at his still face. "Nobody wants to be woken up like that."

"Especially him, I bet," Darcy added. "He's cranky. Makes me miss Thor."

Jane swallowed, her jaw tightening as she glanced down.

"What are you going to do, then?" Erik asked. Jane didn't feel like she needed to answer. Erik seemed to be afraid of the Asgardian, but she wasn't. She couldn't be. Not when she needed him to tell her more.

Jane reached out with her right hand and rested it on the piece of armor on Fenris' forearm. Gently, she ran her thumb back and forth on the back of his cool hand.

"Fenris. Can you wake up? Fenris?" she said quietly. He didn't stir. She scooted a bit closer, then rested her fingers on his forehead. He didn't feel overly warm—that was good.

"Fenris," she repeated. "It's morning. Can you hear me?" She moved her hand down and pressed her fingertips against his throat, checking his pulse.

His eyelids fluttered and opened. Emerald eyes met hers. His pupils constricted, then he squeezed his eyes shut again against the light. Jane slowly withdrew her hand, watching him keenly. She could have sworn his eyes had been another color last night...

"Where am I?" he groaned.

"Erm...New Mexico. On Midgard," Jane said, finally remembering the word.

"Oh, yes," Fenris grunted, turning his head to his left. "Blast it."

"Are you feeling any better today?" she asked.

"Fit to spear a boar," he said through his teeth. He finally opened his eyes again. "I feel foul. In fact, I might be sick if I had anything in my stomach."

Jane glanced worriedly at Erik before turning back to Fenris.

"Are you sure you don't want a hospital?" she asked.

"And what would they do to me, eh?" Fenris shot back. "Nothing I can't do myself if I'm simply left alone for a day or two."

"You mean you have, like, super healing powers?" Darcy asked, stepping closer.

"Compared to my frame, you're made of paper," Fenris said, closing his eyes again. "Yes, madam, I will heal. If you let me be."

"All right, so...What do you need?" Jane wondered.

"I need you to go away," he said.

Jane's mouth fell open as a sting ran through her. Next time, she wouldn't bother to wake him so gently—she'd probably kick him.

"Afterward, Lady Jane," Fenris added, his eyes closed. "I promise to tell you everything you are just dying to know. All right?"

She stared at him, off balance. She looked at Erik and Darcy, but neither of them could summon any words. So Jane got up, went to the counter and grabbed her cup of coffee, then strode to the door.

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