Fallen Star Chapter 18

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"They have taken the bridge

And the second hall.

We have barred the gates

But cannot hold them for long.

The ground shakes.


Drums in the deep.

We cannot get out.

A shadow moves in the dark.

We cannot get out."

-The Fellowship of the Ring

Jane held on tight to Fenris' hand as they crept through the woods. She couldn't see anything except the faint outlines of trees, and that single red light. Their feet thudded softly through the snow. The cold nipped her face and fingers.

They ascended a gradual hill, the light growing brighter with every step. Finally, Jane felt stone beneath her feet instead of earth, and they reached the top of the hill.

The circular light stood about eight feet off the ground, partially covered with frost. And by its light, Jane could see a rectangular shape beneath it.

Fenris held out his right hand, and a soft glow sprang to life in his palm. Jane gasped.

It was a door. A gray, metal door in the mountain. She squeezed his fingers, and glanced up at him.

"Is this it?" she breathed. He stared at the door, his gaze keen and hard.

"Yes," he murmured.

"It looks electronic," Jane observed, glancing over it. "And there aren't any buttons or key-pads or handles or anything out here. It must just open from the inside."

Fenris stepped forward, pulling her along, and extinguished his little light. Jane blinked, momentarily blinded.

Then, a grinding, hissing sound made her jump.

And the door slid open, revealing a low-ceilinged cement hall, and a single, sterile white light hung on the left hand wall.

"How did you...?" Jane started. He looked down at her.

"Remember," he said, almost smiling. "Science is magic."

Jane couldn't summon a smile in return.

"So," she took a deep breath. "What's the plan once we're inside?"

Fenris lifted his eyes and gazed at the door.

"We will undoubtedly trip some sort of alarm once we step through. I expect we will be captured."

Jane stared at him.

"You..." she swallowed. "Then what?"

He turned and looked down at her. She could only see half his face by the light.

"Then you must trust me," he said. "For your own sake. I will try to make you as safe as I can..." He held her gaze. "But you must be clever. If you see an opportunity to escape, you must take it. If a fight breaks out, you must hide and make yourself secure. But if you believe me to be in danger..." He leaned is face toward her. "You must not move."

"But—" Jane tried.

"No," he cut her off. "I will have your word on that."

Jane stared up at him, squeezing his hand even tighter. But his look was so severe that she didn't have room to do anything but nod.

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