Chapter 1

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There was a time in my life when I would beg for relationship drama, because it would mean I had a relationship, but now it makes me want to cry. I wanted to hate Jesse, I wanted to throw eggs at his stupid head and stay with Finn forever. I kissed Finn on stage, and humiliated Jesse. I broke his heart, but he isn't so innocent. I wanted to be so in love with Finn my head was clouded. Finn and I dated the whole summer after we lost Nationals. but on July ninth I made a mistake. Our relationship was a good distraction, a great distraction even. But every time he talked about football, or took it ff his shirt it reminded me of Jesse. My Jesse. My Jesse that I loved. Maybe I just liked the drama of having two guys in love with me. I thought Finn was the one, things were easy with him, simple. But Jesse has invaded my mind and body. He was my one. I saw Jesse at a rehearsal for a off-broadway production of Les Mis at the Lima community theater. He was distracted the whole time, he kept looking at me. I felt his eyes on me and my stomach filled with butterflies. I had felt his love before, but we always messed it up. The night before Finn and I had gotten in a fight. His football game went into overtime and ended up missing our date. He was supposed to pick me up so we could go see a show together. He showed up on my door at eight pm with roses in his hand. My dads cleared the room and let me handle it. Afterwards my dads and I watched funny girl and cried. I didn't meet up with Jesse out of revenge, but it was eye opening. Two completely different people like Finn and I could work, but me and Jesse could prosper. During lunch Jesse and I talked, like Finn and I could never talk.
"You were great at rehearsals Rachel." Jesse said. I was off my game, too caught up with him to try my best. We both smiled in acknowledgment.
"Thank you Jesse. Do you think I'll get the part?" He didn't, I knew I wouldn't.
"I think if anybody gets it, it will be you. You're so talented it's crazy." His mouth turned upwards and his pearly white teeth showed. The waiter placed two salads down on the table.
"So how's Finn," Jesse asked. "Is he treating you well? Like I would?"
"We'll he's no you, well you know, you and I are different.We decided to take a break." My lip quivered.
     "Oh Rachel I'm so sorry," He grabbed my hand from across the table. "You deserve better."
     "It was my fault," I cried. "I was always ready to move forward but this time I wasn't. He was going too fast and I just wanted to think."

Sometimes," I was getting too brave now "Sometimes I wish he was you." I frowned. His ears perked up.
"Rachel," his voice was remorseful. He stared at me with heavy eyes, he felt sorry for me. He wanted to be with me just as much I wanted to be with him. He was sad I was with the wrong person, even though I choose this. And now he was going to say the wrong thing, I had to interrupt him.

"I want you," I called. He was shocked at this outburst, his head bobbed back. "I mean, I want you to take me home. My dads are away and I miss you. And I want you to say yes. Only if you want this too." That's how I ended up in bed with him. It was slow and sweet, and everything I wanted it to be. All the things I knew it wouldn't be with Finn. Afterwards Jesse wrapped the blanket around me and held me tight. He brought me water and kissed my forehead. It was perfect, because it was with him. It was sad and tender because I still loved Finn.

He kissed me hard and left through the front door. I wouldn't see him again for two months. And we would be having a very different conversation.

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