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*15 years ago*
《No one's pov》
August 23rd 2004, the very unfortunate day y/n was born. Y/n never had a stable family and her biological parents were deemed unfit to raise her. She's been in the foster system for all her life.

*Present time*
《Y/n pov》
Another birthday with a family that doesn't want me. I've been in 13 houses in 15 years of being in the system. It's fine really don't really know who my real parents are all I know is life continues moving and if you continue dwelling on the past it'll leave you behind.

I had to do something I just knew I couldn't waste my life away being sent from home to home never having real friends or family. I'm going to run away take some of the spare cash my foster parents keep around the house, maybe get a hotel room until I can get an apartment I've already got a job, it doesn't pay much but it's better than nothing

That night I went too bed like normal but I set an alarm for 4am. No one would still be up at that time and everyone in this house, except me, wakes up at 11 the earliest.

*time skip to 4am*
I woke up to the sound of the alarm and quickly switched it off so it didn't wake anyone up. I grabbed a large bag and packed the essentials clothing, toiletries, my phone and cash, 500 dollars in total I think.

I crept out the front door and ran out into the night. I didn't pother leaving a note not like anyone would care that I was missing. I ran towards the nearest hotel which is a good 25 minutes away but I ran so fast it took me 10 minutes maximum to get there. I guess you could say I was pretty fit, I've always been athletic and been interested in self defence but I never took lessons, I know that I won't be with the family I'm with forever. Nothing's permanent in life so it's too much work to pick up a hobbie.

I walked into the lobbie of the hotel and asked to book a room.
"Hi I need a room for at least 3 days"
The man at the reception simply replied with
"Your name and age please, I need to see some identification ma'am"
"Um I'm 15 my names y/n I have a student card?"
The man gave me a weird look and told me that I needed to be 18 to book a room. Just great the nearest hotel is 2 hours away... by car.... and even if we talk motel's that's at least an hour away by car.

I back away from the reception annoyed and ran straight into a man with an eye patch.

《Nick fury's pov》
"What do you mean my best agent quit! How and why did they quit! I can't deal with this right now, I'll call you at a mre appropriate hour!" This is unbelievable, getting a call that your pest agent is quitting because they want to start a family. I needed this agent to do all my important missions. I'll just have to find someone new.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone ran straight into me, a girl no older than 16 all alone looking just as annoyed as me.
"Sorry sir"
She quickly apologised clearly looking distressed. I don't know why I said what I did, maybe it's the time and mental fatigue but I spoke with a slight confidence
"I heard a bit of your conversation and heard you needed a room I could get you a room if you promise to talk with me in the morning, you are athletic right you look athletic, any fight training by any chance?" This poor girl probably thought I was a creep.

《Y/n pov》
This guy I just bumped into offered me a room. It's not like I have any choice but to accept the offer.
"Thank you"
"Get a good night's rest tomorrow's going to be a long day"
The man replied with

*Time skip to the morning*
《No one pov》
"Good morning my name is Nick fury I am the director of shields one of the best programs for agents of all ages. I want you to join shields, train with some agents and become my best field agent. My last one quit about 5 minutes before you ran into me"
Y/n stared at him with a look of shock and also a bit of horror and excitement. "I'm y/n and I'm introducing in joining I don't have any fight training but im definitely interested.

A/n so that's the prologue let me know what you think. Do you like my writing style? Is there anything I could do better feel free to leave your ideas and I might incorporate them into the story.


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