Chapter 1: The transformation

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"CREEEEEEEEAAAAAAK!" The large stone door opened and the tall dog slowly stepped in, Followed by the short lagomorph. The stone walls were covered in vines and a few torches. "Well here we are, Max, the lost temple of Gijinka!" Sam said. "Huh, I was expecting more swinging razor sharp pendulums." Max said. "Don't give up hope, buddy, we've only just arrived." Sam said as he walked along the torch lit halls with Max following closely behind.

What followed was a small adventure, with them getting lost, dodging traps, avoiding pits, and accidentally hurting themselves.
Eventually, they came to a large room with only one light shining down onto a pedestal. On the pedestal was a stand holding a mysterious looking wand. "Look Max, an ancient artifact of unexplainable power!" Sam says. Max smiles. "If touched, I'm sure it will give us the power to vaporize our foes where they stand!" he sprints up to the pedestal, taking the wand. "Be careful with that max!" Max laughs. "Relax Sam, I'm not gonna vaporize you."

When stepping away from the pedestal, Max tripped over his giant feet, dropping the wand and breaking it in half. Suddenly purple smoke started to come from it. "Oh now you've gone and done it." Sam said, coughing. "Don't blame me Sam! this floor is so old that it's practically turning to dust!" The purple smoke surrounded him. "Sam..? where are you?" he felt around. "I'm here max! Where are YOU?!" The smoke was starting to make him woozy... "Sam..." he coughs and falls to the floor, knocking himself out.

When Max woke up, he was in a clearing in the jungle that was central park. He shook his head, which felt different... looked down at his hand, and it was... tan...? He got up, looking down at himself. His bare feet were no longer giant and fuzzy, but rather small and the same color as his hands. He yelps, quickly going over to a pond and staring at his reflection. He was no longer a short lagomorph, but now a human! About 5 feet tall, wearing a simple white button up shirt and jeans, with wavy platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes. But he still had his signature shark teeth.

After getting over the initial panic, he felt himself all over, smiling. "Say, I could get used to this." His inventory was in the same place (no I ain't telling where that is) and he still had his luger, as well as one half of the broken wand. Sam probably had the other half. Speaking of Sam, Max somehow also had Sam's hat in his inventory as well.

Just then, he had a realization.
"Wait... WHERE'S SAM?!"

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