Chapter 2: The reunion

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(art by frogisadino on instagram) 

For the next few days, the newly transformed Max wandered through the Jungle that was central park, before eventually arriving back in the city. He walked along the familiar dirty streets, stepping on one or two pieces of broken glass. When that happened he didn't even notice until he saw he left a trail of bloody footprints. He managed to get some cloth and bandage them up. He then sighed and continued his journey to make it back home.

Soon, he found himself outside a café, so he decided to go in, having a few coffees and more than a few croissants, having eaten barely anything the past few days...

As he was about to leave, he noticed a man sitting by the window, wearing a grey suit that looked oddly familiar. He had light brown skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair that went to his shoulders. "Hey.." he said. The man looked up at him. "Oh hi." his voice sounded familiar too... "do I... know you from somewhere?" the man shook his head. "No, I don't think so.. Although.. You do look a little familiar..." he stood up. "What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" Max sighed. "I'm trying to find my way home... What about you?" the guy stepped closer. "I'm looking for my husband." Max gasped. "Y-you lost your husband?" the guy nods sadly. "We were on a case together, but we somehow got separated... and now I have no idea where he is..." Max looks down. "Same thing happened to me..." the guy pets his shoulder sympathetically. "Sorry to hear that..." Max looks him in the eye. "It's okay... well... I guess I best be going...." the guy nods. "I understand... I hope you can find your husband..." Max smiles. "And I hope you find yours." Max starts to walk away and the guy goes to sit back down.

The realization then hit them both like a truck.

They both turned around at once.
They both smiled widely. "IT IS YOU!" Sam said, and Max laughed happily. The two rushed to each other and embraced, tearing up. "Oh Max, little buddy I thought I'd never see you again!" Sam said, burying his face in Max's shoulder. "Me either big guy!" Max replied, hugging Sam tighter. They kept hugging for a while until they pulled back. "Oh max, you look so handsome!" Max blushed and giggled. "So do you! Oh!" he reached into his inventory and pulled out Sam's hat. Sam gasped and took it. "Thank you!" he put it on. "I was afraid I'd lost it!" He hugs Max again. "No problem big guy!" Sam giggles and scoops Max up, holding him bridal style. Max giggles and holds on. "Let's go home." Sam says. Max nods. "Please."

(art also by frogisadino on instagram) 

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(art also by frogisadino on instagram) 

A little bit later, Sam was sitting on the couch and Max was sitting on the floor as Sam brushed through his tangled hair. "I'm really sorry you had to wander all the way back here alone buddy..." Sam said. "aw it's okay Sam, it wasn't your fault that crazy broken wand thing turned us into flesh bodies." Sam nodded. "Still, I wish I could have been with you..." Max looked up at him, smiling. "Hey, you're with me now aren't you?" Sam smiled. "Yeah..." Max stood up and sat next to him, hugging him. Sam hugs back. "I love ya little buddy." Max smiles. "I love you too sam." The two cuddled for a little bit. Max then looks him in the eye. "I wonder if kissing will be any different now that we are human..." Sam laughs. "Only one way to find out!" He takes Max's chin, kissing him softly. Max melts into it, leaning against him. The two kissed deeply for a little while before pulling back. Max buried his face in Sam's shoulder, Sam rubbing his back. "Aww are you tired?" Max nods. "What do you expect? I just walked all the way from central park to Manhattan.'' Sam sighs gently, taking his coat, hat and tie off and lying down. Max lies on his chest. "Sleep well little buddy... I'm glad to have you back.'' Max nuzzles him. "I'm glad to-" he yawns. "-be back..." he falls asleep on Sam's chest. Sam giggled, kissing his head and falling asleep as well.

 Sam giggled, kissing his head and falling asleep as well

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(art also by frogisadino on instagram) 

Sam and max Curse of the GijinkaWhere stories live. Discover now