A Rainy day

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-Matthew's POV-

Sweet God the rain is heavy today, I hope I get a drive or something...' Matthew sighed as he walked on the sidewalk wishing for shelter, and money. Watching the cars pass by he notices a quick, black,and red mustang pass by. The mustang stops, and a man opens the door and walks out staring at the rain dripping from the thick grey clouds in the sky, darkening the whole scene. The man was rather tall, and also skinny,he had red hair, and wore a jacket that resembled Alfred's. The oddest thing was that he wore sun glasses even though there was no sun. What is he doing? Matthew questions himself. I should go ask him for a ride He thinks as he walks over to the odd man "e-excuse m-me s-sir" he stutters shyly "c-could I-I get a d-drive?..."he says a bit scared, the man turns around and gazes down at him with a cold, rude, and cocky gaze "sure,what's your name pipsqueak?"he answers snickering mockingly. With a small rage boiling in the shy Canadian's stomach he answers clenching his fist "I'm n-not p-pipsqueak! My n-name is Matthew! O-or like o-others call m-me, Canada!" This man has no fucking manors! "My name is Allen, nice to meet you, I'll call you Mattie, and also you can get a drive" Allen answers with a small blush on his cheeks "so get your ass in the car, it's gonna be a rather long drive,cause you're coming over at my house" he says grinning as he hops in the drivers seat, at the same time Matthew goes around the car and, opens the door and sits in the passengers seat.

-Allen's POV-

Man the sky looks beautiful, wonder what rain is for exactly, "e-excuse me s-sir" hm, what's that?it sounds like a mouse ahah, I say turning around to a sorta short blonde haired Canadian. He wore round like glasses and a red sweatshirt, with blue jeans, cutest of all, he had a small curl popping out of his silky blonde hair, "c-could I-I get a d-drive?..." He asks. "Sure, what's your name pipsqueak?" I answer with a small mocking snicker , trying to seem a bit badass. "I'm n-not p-pipsqueak! My n-name is Matthew! O-or like o-others call m-me, Canada!"he answers me "My name is Allen, nice to meet you, I'll call you Mattie and also you can get a drive" I answer blushing why the Fuck am I blushing?!? Whatever... Hehe "So get your ass in the car, it's gonna be a rather long drive cause you're coming over at my house" I reply grinning as I sit in my seat ready to drive.

My 2P lover~ [2p America] Allen X Matthew Williams [Canada]Where stories live. Discover now