Long ride alright!

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-Allen's pov-

As we were driving I couldn't help myself but to gossip with the cutie.. "So, uhm.. What do you like?" I ask "I-I like polar bears..maple syrup! A-and
M-more!" He replied Ah jeez...He's adorable!.. Wait no Al don't think that way! He's only another guy... "The sky looks cool today huh?" I ask trying to make a conversation out of the long ride "Y-yeah! I honestly like grey skies m-more" he answers with a small jolt of joy in his tone awww... "Well, we're almost home!" I exclaim joyfully.

-Finally at Allen's house-

-Matthew's POV-

Wow, what a nice house! I wonder what his bedroom looks like...  I thought as we walked in the house, "A-Al?-" I try speaking, but notice him unzipping my jacket, and taking it off, bring it to a coat hanger "T-Thanks!" I exclaim. Allen turns to me as looks in my eyes, he gets spaced out for a short time then blushes slightly and nods, he then walks away and speaks "Hey... Make yourself at home okay? If you need anything just tell me. I have a spare bedroom you can sleep in, so you can install yourself there" he then looks at me and signals me to follow him with his hand, I smile and nod as I take my shoes off and follow him around.

Hey, I hope it's okay so far. Any tips or any comments? Leave down in the comments below and maybe rate ^_^
Have a nice day/night.

My 2P lover~ [2p America] Allen X Matthew Williams [Canada]Where stories live. Discover now