Our Final Prank at Salem

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Hi! We are just about to make our final prank at Salem which has been foolproofed to get us expelled. It's not like we don't like the school but when we find that we need a change in our lives and we're going to make it happen. I suppose I should introduce "us".
We are the "Dangerous Girls". I am the badass of the group. My name is Willow. I have golden brown hair with bright green eyes. I always wear my leather jacket, black converse high tops and basically anything I want. My best friend/twin sister is Taryn. Okay yeah she's not my actual sister but we all act like we are sisters. Taryn is a blondie with brown streaks in her hair with bright blue eyes that literally are super scary to me especially when you wake up in the morning with them peering at you. We are the main troublemakers of our group. Then there's Grace who is a little bit of a nerd, very shy but very loyal and kind and happy. She has black hair with one bright red streak through it showing she is a rebel and has large brown eyes. Then there's our buddy Sarah and her "furry little problem". She has dirty blonde hair and caramel eyes. She almost always has her nose in some book. Anyways back to the last prank of the year. Yeah we've been planning this prank all year. Ever since the beginning of fourth year. Yes we want to be expelled from this school at the end of the year so that we don't have to transfer to another school but we are making sure to go out with a bang. We had been buying and making supplies for the prank all year. Fireworks, potions, creative bombs. So on. So here we are in the dining hall waiting for the first part of the prank to take effect on everybody. A minute later everybody started coughing fire due to the effects of the potion we put in everybody's drinks except ours of course. The tables were soon blazing with potion-fire. All of the people were reaching for their cups of water/potion and immediately they began coughing up dust which by default made their mouths dry and they drank the water/potion again and began coughing up fire again. During the melee my friends and I all pulled out our wands and pointed them at the front where the teachers had been eating but now were trying to stop the effects of the potion. We quickly sent spells at the windows, shattering them then transfigured the teacher's tables into lions. Then we sent water at the fireworks we had conveniently placed under the tables. The fireworks exploded through the charred remains of the tables and burst in the tall ceiling. They were red yellow blue and many other colors and finally for the grand finale after attracting everyone's attention to the roof burst bigger and louder and absorbed into the ceiling turning it different colors. When the last one went off we held up our wands one more time and wrote on the now rainbow ceiling:
From the Dangerous Girls your local prankers. Signed
Willow, Taryn, Grace, and Sarah
The teachers immediately all went deadly silent and turned to us. I smirked at them and bowed in tandem with Taryn. Then we walked to the Headmaster's office. We calmly sat down in front of the door of the office. I was still smirking along with Taryn while the other two had small smiles on their faces. Finally Headmaster Cooley walked around the corner opened his office and beckoned us in with an annoyed look on his face. We sat down in front of his desk. Ah so many memories right here in this very chair.
"Girls, we have been very lenient with our rules with you but this you have pushed too far. We have told you several times that you need to stop with these pranks," he said.
"In all due honesty, Professor, there is no rules against giving people a potion to make them breathe fire and dust and changing the ceilings colors-" I started.
"-and you yourself probably didn't go through your years here just studying like a pathetic little nerd-" Taryn continued.
"-and did some type of prank at some point. Also-" I began.
"-did you really expect us to stop pranking?" Taryn finished.
What can I say? Best friend telepathy. His eyes flicked back and forth between the two of us then to Grace and Sarah, who, while we sat with our elbows on his desk, sat leaning back in their chair with their arms crossed.
"I have no choice girls, but to expel you. You have committed far too many rule offenses in the past years and the teachers are fed up. Pack your things and prepare to leave by three o clock," Headmaster Cooley said.
I high fived Taryn and did a little happy dance in my seat," Finally expelled! Yes! Oh btw we are already packed so we can leave earlier than that."
Professor Cooley narrowed his eyes at me," Why are you so happy to be expelled?"
Grace answered before I could," Because, Headmaster, it is one of our joint life goals. And we finally completed it. We will see you another time. Goodbye!"
We all walked out of the office each giving him a charming smile before we disappeared off to our room. I grabbed my stuff and we walked to the floo fire for transportation. Then I threw my handful of powder down and shouted,"Jackson Household!"

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