Quidditch Tryouts

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Sirius's POV
Quidditch tryouts! I had forgotten about them in all of the intense circumstances that had occurred in the past night but now the excitement hit me full on and I literally fell over. Dramatically, of course. By the time I had gotten up only James was left waiting for me and we took one look at each other before tearing up the stairs. We grabbed our stuff and changed quickly before racing down the stairs where I felt a body slam into me. I turned around to see Willow on the floor behind me laughing. She suddenly got up smiling and gripping onto her broom and beater's bat with the rest of the girls she tore to the window and leaped out of it before flying towards the quidditch pitch. I followed quickly behind the other girls James and Remus close behind me. We flew out and landed in front of the captain. Wood chuckled at us a little. He was in his last year so he wanted to win. Bad. After a few minutes the rest of the people trying out showed up. My "fangirls" had finally learned not to show up after several years to "try out". Anyway they could tell that I was into someone else. None of them had recently come up to me begging for me to take them to Hogsmeade or anything like that. I don't know exactly what I did to show them that I had feelings for someone else but it was a relief to have them off my back. In fact they seemed to be focussing on a new target. Willow. Why I was not sure but I didn't question it at all. Wood began to point to the places where we should stand for  the certain positions. Willow walked over to the beater area drawing several gasps from the guys. Wood walked over to us and put an arm around her shoulders making me flinch backwards. This wasn't going to end well.
"Are you sure you want to be in the beaters section sweetie? I'm sure you'd do better in the chaser section over there or the stands."
Unfortunately he didn't see the look on her face. Everybody else flinched backwards.
She spoke in a hard cold quiet voice," I hope you know Wood that you just made it onto my target list for today. And also don't TOUCH ME!!!"
She screamed digging her shoulder into his side and throwing him over her shoulder slamming him onto the ground earning gasps from the guys. She rolled him over with her toe as he stared up at her in shock. Her canines were growing into long sharp teeth and her growl echoed throughout the entire stadium. She raised her foot to stomp down on his chest when Taryn flew past me and slammed her onto the ground. They wrestled and Willow, blinded by her anger, snapped at Taryn's throat missing by inches. Taryn's eyes widened as Willow grabbed her by the throat. Sarah and Grace looked at each other before nodding and charging Willow. I saw Grace's canines lengthen as she drew her whip and snapped it hitting Willow's wrist with precision. Taryn dropped to the ground and sucked in air before barreling into Willow daggers drawn. Quick as a flash Willow had her daggers out. And they were fighting. Only blurs were seen of them. Only Sarah and Grace seemed to process what was happening. Taryn's form flickered and a frustrated roar echoed through the stadium. I acted on pure instinct and ran forward as I saw Taryn back up a little. A tap of my bat on each of Willow's wrists rendered them temporarily useless. Her daggers dropped to the ground. Then I realized that I was now going to be beat up. She kneed me in the stomach but I didn't double over. I had learned to not do that. My eyes narrowed and I let instincts take over. Let the dog in me take over. Later I realized that she had done the same thing accidentally and she was only able to channel anger suddenly. With a growl I slammed into her and she was laid out on the ground. She growled and jumped up. I grew angry like a dog would have and attacked again at the same time as her. I was now on the ground and she turned to attack Wood again. I grabbed her foot and dragged her down before pinning her arms and growling in her face. She growled back with a quiet threatening bark at the end.
Somehow I translated Get out of my way stupid.
I quickly responded No you'll hurt someone. Let the wolf go.
She growled louder No the wolf stays.
Let it go Willow!
No let me go!
No Sirius! Let me go!
She had a panicked look on her face suddenly. She grabbed her head suddenly.
I let her up my eyes wide. She snarled as she fought whatever was in her head.
"ACCIO SORTING HAT!!!" she suddenly screamed with her wand in her hand.
The hat flew out of the school. She started stamping on it when it got there.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY MIND!!!" she screamed at it.
She tore a hole in it. It screamed. She stabbed it with a dagger. Then she picked the squirming hat up and tore off to the school. I followed close behind as she grabbed her broom and flew into Dumbledore's office.
I watched Dumbledore's eyes widen at the hat. He nodded grabbed the hat with two fingers and put it in what looked like a glass case but clearly had spells on it. She grabbed her broom and leapt out the window to where I was waiting for her. She just nodded at me.
"Thanks for getting me out of that trance. It was trying inspect the dark side of my past and enlarged that side so it could see everything. Stupid ass hat."
I smirked and shook my head," Taryn's okay. And no problem. We can talk to James and Lily's and Remus and Sarah's kids someday and tell them about the time you beat up the Sorting Hat."
She smiled and chuckled a little," We could. Those would be good times."
When we got to the field she jumped off her broom and launched herself at Taryn giving her a huge hug.
"I'm so sorry Taryn. I didn't mean it."
Taryn waved it off," It's fine Willow. You were controlled by the hat."
She nodded then turned to Wood.
"You however deserved what you got. You seemed to be asking for it."
Afterwards quidditch tryouts were basically uneventful except for when Willow decided to take one of the hoops off of its pole with a bludger just to show she could. That destroyed the whole Slytherin section. After tryouts though she walked up to Wood.
"I hope you know that if you choose me I will do everything to help us win our trophy but you have to understand what you're getting into if you choose me for the team. I expect that every once in a while. Once a month preferably you will allow me to have a thing called a Gold Day where I completely let loose. Due to the fact that I try not to let my emotions out a lot is bottled up and I need to take it out and what better way to do that than with quidditch? Also if I come to practice and ask for a Gold Day I expect it to happen otherwise the deal is over and there are going to be several angry girls yelling at you because I accidentally went off on them. The deal is if I get the occasional Gold Days I'll hold back for the rest of the practices and will be just as brutal in the game. However if you take me on the team and do not accept this deal I will not restrain myself any day of the week month or year. You will all die."
She smirked a little at his face and whipped around and stalked off hips swaying. I stared as she left admiring her curvaceous figure never taking my eyes off her until James hit me in the arm.
"Dude I know your in love with her but seriously stop staring at her arse."
I snorted," I'm not in love with her for the last time. I just happen to find her rather attractive."
James scoffed and rolled," Yeah mate you love her but whatever you say."
He walked away before I could protest more and I looked back at her to where she was laughing with her friends. If only James wouldn't pester me about it. I didn't love her. It was just a... crush that would go away soon. I hope. Maybe being rejected constantly like James with Lily would help. God I hope so. I don't like these so called "crushes" they're annoying.
Willow's POV
I could feel him staring at my ass and I smirked. Good he was falling hard. And I... God I was enjoying it. Damn. I had always promised I would never fall in love. But what was I going to do about it? Maybe I could just fall in like?
God I hate crushes. They're annoying.

A/N you sure it's just a crush you two?

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