Halloween Dance Part 2

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A/N watch video when you get the chance black and gold= slytherin red= gryffindor
James's POV
Apparently even Willow needed to have a dance every once in a while. She and Sirius were dancing much to his and hers fan clubs' disappointment. I watched in a astonishment as Willow grabbed onto his belt and pulled him closer. He grabbed her hips as she started smoothly moving them. But then my attention went back to Lily who was awkwardly half dancing half standing there. I knew she could dance but oh well.
"Surprising isn't it?" she suddenly asked indicating to the two of them.
I nodded placing my hands on her hips," No kidding. Something in her must come out during balls that's different."
Lily nodded," She's different but every girl turns out the same at dances. They come to dance or find a guy. She's here for both but she doesn't realize it."
I rolled my eyes," I almost doubt that she'll ever realize it."
"She will. Eventually."
After that she seemed more comfortable and seemed to smooth out her moves easier. After about thirty minutes we followed Sirius and Willow off the dance floor and sat down on the bench near the punch which- according to Willow- had just been spiked by Taryn. Lily didn't scold or anything just smirked. I grinned. I liked new Lily a lot. She was the girl I was always in love with. I think I saw this side of her from the beginning and that was one of the things that made me fall for her. Suddenly Dumbledore appeared up on stage and out of nowhere a mic appeared.
"Now that we are all happy and acquainted it is my pleasure to announce that there will as always be a Christmas Dance. Yes it is a formal dance and if you come you are required to wear formal dress. But I will not spoil anything for you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the ball. Thank you!"
"That wasn't random at all," Willow said sarcastically before starting to get up and being shoved back down by a Slytherin.
Which automatically triggered a reaction from her. She was up in a flash in a threatening position and the other girls were by her side in a second.
"Hey! Watch it!" she shouted.
"Oh it doesn't matter you're a filthy mudblood lover blood traitor so you should be bowing to us and feel blessed that we're even talking to you," the blonde Slytherin said.
Grace and Sarah had to hold Willow back but Taryn walked in front of them and said," We are at a dance people. If you want to fight why not have a dance battle instead of having someone get hurt? Five against whoever you have."
The blonde considered it," Fine. But if we win we all duel tomorrow and if you win and you won't you keep the peace for now and of course you'll want something."
Taryn gave an evil smirk," We want you to say that Gryffindors are better than Slytherins over the mic."
I grinned and noticed that Lily was now standing by the other girls. The five of them gathered in a group and started whispering," Start out super easy and the moment they think they've won bust it out."
They all nodded and as a techno song came on they started dancing in complete sync. And at first that was how it started out. Just five against five. And then more and more people from both houses started joining in. Until both houses had fully joined. Including me and the marauders
"HOLD UP!" Willow shouted suddenly. "This needs to be taken to the stage. We get five minutes to change into uniforms and then we go. Got it!"
We all screamed in agreement.
We changed into red and white uniforms all of which had a little surprise underneath. And then it started. We began dancing "badly" to start. Quickly the Slytherins appeared to be better. Then we did another dance to a different song with more girls this time. The Slytherins did better once again. I sent the Prewett twins forward(I had made it my personal goal to meet most of the people in Gryffindor). They did something that I could only describe as a hip hop Irish step dance sped up a whole lot to a different song and then once again we went out and all danced together. The Slytherin did one last performance and I walked up to Sirius who was acting as leader.
I tapped his shoulder and he looked down at me(have I mentioned he's like a foot taller than me?)," Are you ready?" I asked smirking. He nodded. "Good follow my lead and trust me."
With that I started moving forward and showing off the moves. Finally Sirius walked up and matched my moves exactly as if we had practiced together for years. He just knew what to do.

Taryn's POV
They danced in sync which was amazing on Sirius's part given that normally that kind of dancing takes a lot if practice. Alice, a girl in Gryffindor was nodding to the beat and said," Yeeeaaaahhhh," as they danced. Suddenly they were doing a different move her in front and him in the back. Then they did something surprising. They leaned in noses touching and she grinned at him. Grace started jumping up and down at the sight of this and I rolled my eyes. I knew she had a crush on him. Then they broke apart and as two guys did flips in front of her she took a flying leap touched the back off her heels in midair and landed on her knees earning her quite a few wows from the Gryffindors. Then we all went to the side of the stage for our secret weapon. Willow quickly changed her outfit though she still had that stupid grin on her face. Then we did the rest of the dance with flashing lights lasers and of course tons of dancing. And we won! Of course that was to be expected. We all watched from a distance as Sirius and her danced more. And when we got back to the girls dormitory the interrogation began.

A/N alright guys! The relationship is starting! Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

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