Chapter 2

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It has been 2 years of being engaged with Lian. The two couples are destined to make a vow to their beloved ones on this day. I and Lian are both happy knowing Mom and Dad didn't fight but they talked about it privately.

I couldn't imagine I can walk in this aisle with my Mom. And there's two man crying while waiting us in the altar. I couldn't imagine this is happening right now.

I never get mad at my Dad. Maybe some part of me did for leaving us, his family. But I just can't go and marry Lian unless I can able to see and meet my Dad. I couldn't imagine Lian searched my Dad for me.

After the night they proposed, I can't stop my tears fall out of eyes. I keep on praying that Mom and Dad will be in good and peace after.

“I, Lian Gonzalo will be your everlasting loyal and faithful partner until the last beat of my heart.”

“I, Shaina Elmaziona will be your queen lion who'll fight for you in everyone.”

“I, Tandi Elmaziona your forevermore partner and love of my life.”

“I, Inasha Elmaziona your eternal other half.”

“Men, you may now kiss your bride,” the Priest announced as the crowd went crazy. The visitors keeps on yelling and cheering.

“Welcome to the married club, Lian and Shaina,” my friends said in the middle of group pictures.

“I‘m so happy for you, my daughter and my son Lian,” Mom said as we give us a hug and kisses in our cheeks.

“I‘m extremely happy for the both of you too, Mom,” I then glanced to Dad who's beside her. They both laughed. “Thanks, honey.”

As we arrived at the reception, I couldn't find any reason for me not to hide this smile and tears. “Mahal.”

I wipes my tears before look at me. “Hmm?”

“You okay?” he asked. I nodded and smiled.

He holds my hand. “Dr. Shaina Elmaziona Gonzalo?”

“Yes, Atty. Lian Gonzalo? How may I help you?” I joked around.

“I love you, Dr. Gonzalo.”

“I love you even more, Atty. Gonzalo.”

“Cheers for the this newly married couple Dr. Shaina Gonzalo and his husband Atty. Gonzalo,” the announcer said in a cheerful voice.

“I couldn't imagine how perfect their children will be. Imagine having a mother who can heal you and a father who can defend you from anyone,” the announcer continued.

I looked at my husband. “We‘re going to have a happy and complete family, right?”

“Mahal, of course. I won't let you and let myself to be happy and have a complete family with someone else,” he answered.

“Aww! Our newlyweds are now talking about their future life. Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo, know what happens we're always right by your side. When you both need financial or anything else just contact us. Our doors are open for you two,” Lian mother said.

I am to shy to see them how glad I am so I hugged my husband for me to hide my face blushing.

“I love you, mahal ko.”

“I love you always.”


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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