December 20th

154 22 2

"It's weights, isn't it?"

Akechi and Saiki had been walking to a cafe for a "PsyKickers Meeting". Akechi started talking about... What was it? Something about squids, he thinks-- when Aiura came out of seemingly nowhere, and started to walk with them. She had said how she wasn't walking with anyone, and asked if she could join them.

To Saiki's dismay, Akechi agreed before he had a chance to decline.

'What are you-'

"Weights, right? Come on, the guy's jacked! He works out a ton, so you got him weights, right?"

"Actually, even if you stick to the notion that his only personality trait or hobby is excessive exercise, there are plenty of other gifts you could get besides weights."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So what is it?"

'What is what?'

"What are you getting Hairo? Y'know, for Christmas?"

"Oh! I must admit, I've been a bit curious about it as well. In fact, I wasn't even sure as to who you got, but I am surprised to hear it's Hairo-kun. I can't say I could think of a proper gift for him, seeing how I haven't interacted with him nearly as much as you have. But then again, I didn't get much time in the spotlight, except for when I was with you, but you're the protagonist, so I guess it makes sense. That is one of my regrets, but I see it pointless to ruminate on it, so I suppose I'll simply ignore it. Anyway, I only met him once or twice, and he seems to be frightened of me, frankly."

It's because you tell him everything he's doing wrong and he doesn't like it. Your logic rivals his optimism.

"I had enough trouble with my own gift, and if I'm being entirely honest, I'm still weighing the pros and cons of a few decisions."

"'Weighing?' Hahaha, was that on purpose?"

Akechi chuckled.

"I admit, that was completely unintentional on my part, though I do find it funny to think I could've said it on purpose. I think it was a bit of a missed opportunity, although I'm the only one missing out, since it was an accident. Haha! It is very funny, now that I think about more. I wonder what other wordplay I could use..."

'See what you did? Now you got him all worked up.'

"Worked up? Hahaha, are you his mom or something? Like, for real, dude, you're acting like I gave him too much sugar or something!" Aiura reached into her bag and pulled out a lollipop. "Hey, TouTou! You want some sugar?"

"Haha! But then Kusuo-kun will scold the both of us! If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. Or rather, facetious, since it had no ill intent behind it. Very funny, no? Oh? You appear to be constipated with that expression, Kusuo-kun."

"TouTou!" Aiura started cracking up.

'You guys are the worst. And why do you have that?'

"I always carry around a handful of them. Y'know, in case a friend is having a bad day, or wants a snack. And to tease you with!"

"That's quite convenient! I'll have to keep that in mind... And also, forgive me for being forward, but were you legitimately offering it to me, or simply using it as a weapon against Kusuo-kun? Either way, I don't mind, but if you were, I will gladly accept it. I do in fact enjoy sweets, and even though I prefer baked goods to candy, I wouldn't mind taking you up on your offer. Unless it's bubblegum. I don't like the bubblegum flavored ones.

'That's rude, Touma.'

"Wow, you have like, no shame, huh?"

Then he started to panic.

"Oh! Oh, yes, how rude of me, being picky... And you hadn't even told me if your offer still stood... Oh dear, how embarrassing. I apologize, Miko-chan," he said, clearly ashamed.

"Nah, it's totally fine! I was gonna give it to you anyway. And don't worry, it's strawberry flavored," she said, handing it to him.

"Oh, thank you! That's very kind of you," he said, already starting to eat it.

'Good grief, did you even have breakfast?'

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did, Kusuo-kun."

"Mommy Kusuo strikes again! You're just bitter cause' I didn't give you a lollipop!"


"Kusuo, I can give you a lollipop too, y'know."


'Do you have any more strawberry ones...?'

"Aww, you were sad because I didn't give you a wowwipop?"

'Stop teasing me. Now you owe me the lollipop.'

"Owe you? Boy, this is my lollipop! I need to decide if you're worthy..."

"Oh, and Kusuo-kun? Have you eaten breakfast? Aha, see how the tables have turned? Before you were asking me if I had eaten, treating me like a small child who can't take care of themselves, let alone watch their eating habits, and now I can ask you the same thing, because you're the one accepting candy. You can't have candy if you haven't eaten a proper meal! Haha, now I sound like you when you were teasing me!"

"Haha! Now you have to listen to us! We- hey, that's cheating!"

Saiki caught the lollipop as it flew into his hand

'Your fault. You treat me like a child, I act like a child.'

"Pffft- Alright, I guess that's fair!"


"So it is weights, right?"

'You're still with that?'

"You have to tell me, I gave you a lollipop," she said, wagging her finger.

'No. And I'm not getting anything.'

"What? Then you're not getting a gift! No fun!"

'I don't-'

"I got a text from Chiyopipi! I'm meeting her a few blocks up!" She started running off. "Nice chatting with you guys! I'm just gonna go say hi for a little bit, and then I'll go! See you at the cafe, lovebirds!"

How many times is she going to keep calling us "lovebirds?" And how many times a day is she going to mention that stupid party?

Too many for his liking.

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