The Confrontation

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Y/n's hands were fidgeting as she stood looking at the plans she created to take down The Assaulter. Bucky walked over to Y/n and grabbed a hold of her hands and said, "It's going to be okay, you have me by your side. I won't let anything bad happen to you." Y/n gives Bucky an anxious smile and Bucky continues, "You have become stronger than ever, I've seen it."

Shuri puts the jet-like transportation on autopilot and as she turns and sees Bucky and Y/n holding hands," Excuse me, lovebirds. We will be there soon. I suggest you gear up."

Y/n looks at Bucky as he hesitantly lets go of his grip on Y/n's hand. Bucky had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen and this made him look brooding for the rest of the ride to the location. He wanted to protect Y/n, he couldn't lose someone he deeply cared about.

They arrive at the location where Bucky and Y/n grab their weapons and exit the jet-like transportation. Shuri leaves back to Wakanda. The location is an abandoned import building, which is where they were going to meet James and then head to the location James said The Assaulter was at. Y/n calls James, who does not answer. Y/n starts to get worried and Bucky canvases the outside of the building while Y/n attempts to contact James again and she canvasses the inside of the building.

As Bucky is canvassing the outside of the building he is shot with a tranquilizer. Y/n, who is still inside the building, sees James. James walks up to her, "I'm glad you're here. We must head to the location now, we have about an hour before our window." Y/n looks around and has a feeling something's not right. James notices Y/n hand on her knife, which is on her utility belt, "We are alone. You have nothing to worry about."

Y/n looks at him, "We aren't alone. There is someone here besides us."

"You mean the guy you brought? Without telling me."

Y/n moves her hand from her knife to her handgun, "Why does that matter? He came here to help us?"

"Help us? Or help you?"

"Doesn't matter, we are on the same side. Why have you been acting like such an asshole?"

James smirks and Y/n feels something on her neck. She puts her hand against her neck and it is a dart. She falls to the floor. James takes his cell phone out of his pocket and calls a blocked number, "Do you want her and the winter soldier?"

The caller from the end of the line said, "Just bring her. I have plans for her."

"You got it, sir."

James binds Y/n and picks up Y/n. James carries her onto a car parked right at the entrance of the building. Bucky wakes up and sees Y/n being carried into the car by James. Bucky calls out for her, but she is unconscious. James sends two of The Assaulter's men to fight Bucky. As Bucky fought the two men, James was able to get away with Y/n in the backseat and him driving. Bucky fought the two men and fought them until they were unconscious. He got his phone and called Shuri to see if he could track down who took Y/n. Shuri began trying to track Y/n through a GPS she planted on her suit. Bucky took the two men and found some rope to tie them to a pole until they woke up to interrogate them. Bucky was filled with guilt, blaming himself for Y/n being taken. He told her he was going to protect her, but he left her side and when he did he was shot with a tranquilizer and she was taken.

Meanwhile, Y/n is slowly waking up and she sees James, "What are you doing?" She tries to move, but her hands are bound and her feet as well. James smiles and Y/n continues trying to unbind herself from the rope, "Fine, don't tell me. But tell me one thing, why?"

James looks down to the GPS to see what direction he needs to turn to arrive at The Assaulter secret location, "You'll know soon enough."

Y/n reaches for her knife and slowly tries to slide it off her utility belt, when James hits a bump causing Y/n to cut her finger making her softly utter, "Fuck." Y/n looks at her finger and it is bleeding well enough to cause her blood to fall on the car seat. She tries to put pressure on her finger and only is able to put a little bit as the rope binds are preventing her from putting full pressure.

James stops the car, "We are here." Y/n tries to see where they are, but can't due to the dark tinted windows. James opens the doors and sees Y/n blood on the car seat, "You're an idiot if you ever thought you could escape."

Y/n looks at him showing a tough face, but she is hurt because he called her an idiot. James grabs Y/n roughly and puts her over his shoulder to carry her inside. Y/n sees the house now and it looks ordinary, but the buildings around the house seem to be empty. Y/n tries hitting and kicking James until she finally kicks his balls, making him fall to the ground dropping her. Y/n quickly grabs her knife and cuts her legs, she tries escaping when James pulls her by the leg making her fall and making the knife fall away from both of them. She kicks his face and she walks more when she gets a sense that someone is behind her. A woman swung a knife at Y/n, which Y/n ducked. Y/n begins fighting the woman. Y/n manages to stab the woman, and as she lets go of the knife Y/n is hit on the back of the head.

Shuri calls Bucky, "I found her, she' a gated community. That's weird it says here the buildings were bought off by..."

"Shuri, please. Just send me the location." Bucky hangs up and sees that one of the men woke up, "Looks like you two got lucky." Bucky leaves them tied and takes away anything they can use to escape. Bucky takes the motorcycle one of the men drove and drives to Y/n's location.

Y/n wakes up to find herself tied to a chair facing a man who is seated in a chair opposite of her. He is wearing a black suit. He evilly smiles, "Y/n. Welcome. Finally, we get to meet. I'd hope it was under better circumstances."

Y/n is confused, but her gut knows who it is, "You're him, you're The Assaulter." She adds sarcastically, "I thought you'd look like Mr. Burns."

"Funny this one." He points to Y/n and looks at James, "I hear you would make a great asset to my team."

"I would never join you. I don't even know how you got James too."

The Assaulter laughs, "James. Oh sweetie, he's dead. Paulo, come here." James walks over and takes off his photostatic veil, "You see, Paulo here replaced James after we killed him."

Y/n heart dropped and she was speechless. Her mind began to try to wrap her head about James being replaced and when he died. Her head was spinning and then tears began to form and she yelled in anger, "You are going to pay for this, you asshole!"

The Assaulter laughs, "No. You're going to be mine."

She yells, "Go to hell!"

"You see, James wouldn't have had to die, but while you were off with the Avengers. He was snooping around and well, you know what happened."

Y/n was numb, she lost someone closest to her and she didn't know, "Why send someone to impersonate him?"

"You were bad for my business; I had to keep an eye on you, but what I realized is I can make you mine. You see, meanwhile you were gone I made new friends, and let's just say they know how to make someone susceptible to your bidding."

"You won't get away with this." Y/n leans forward and tries to break free from her chair.

A man walks over to The Assaulter and whispers to his ear, " We just got word that there is a breach at the gate, looks like the winter soldier is here."

The Assaulter looks over to Y/n and walks over to a counter where there is a syringe. He grabs the syringe and takes it and has the man hold down Y/n's head as The Assaulter inserts the syringe to her neck, which causes her to fall unconscious, "Take her to the helicopter. We must call him to have her programmed." The men carried Y/n to a helicopter and took off with her and The Assaulter in it.

Bucky fought the men knocking them all unconscious and he came to hand to hand with Paolo. Paolo was defeated on the floor. He took out a bomb denotater from his pocket. Bucky notices it and starts to run when Paolo clicks the detonator to set the bomb off. Bucky runs to the front of the house, managing to escape the explosion, just enough for him to only feel a certain amount of push from the air of the explosion. Bucky falls to the ground and looks up at the sky seeing the helicopter at a far distance. He is bleeding from his face and has blood all over his suit, his face is filled with guilt and a tear slowly comes down his cheek. He picks up his phone, which is now broken from the fall, but he manages to send an SOS message to Shuri.

Longing for Love (Bucky Barnes x Y/N in Wakanda)Where stories live. Discover now