Unseen Stars | Starflight x Fatespeaker

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Starflight hummed an awkward tone. Something nagged at him, it felt like he had forgotten a task he needed to do. It was late, ( he had guessed because the sounds of the student's steps were gone and the warmth of sunlight against his scales had faded. ) Starflight dragged his talons against the wooden counter, what did he need to do? His tail twitched as he recalled his daily tasks. But his train of thought was stopped when he heard drips of rain. The windows! That is what he had forgotten! Stepping out into the open and away from the safety of his desk. The fear of getting hurt shuddered over him as he stood in place, trying to recall the path to the windows. He took a small breath in and put his claw out, nothing. He started walking the sounds of his footsteps echoed through the empty cave. He took a turn at a bookshelf a froze. Where to now? He pushed his talons out into the open air again, nothing.  He continued walking but then he toppled over. He groaned a bit, hearing the sounds of a few books falling and a sudden yelp. He fiddled around blindly staring around. Trying to figure out who had spoken.

"Sorry, Starflight!" Whispered a voice. Fatespeaker? What was she doing here? "I was trying to surprise you!" He looked toward the voice, he felt a small amount of warmth against his snout. What was he touching? What could've been warm in the room? "Oh! Boop!" Fatespeaker said with a nervous giggle, the warmth grew stronger for a second before fading. Was his snout touching her? his face burned a soft red as he connected the dots, the tips of their snouts touched! He stepped up and back.

    "I'm so sorry! Fatespeaker," Starflight said and stepped away.

    "Oh! No, it's my fault, it's fine," She replied. He flicked his tail and began looking around for the books. "Uh- do you know what day it is?"

    "No? Is it someone's hatching day?" Starlight questioned and tilted his head. He thought for a moment before hearing her sigh and the sound of talons against metal. "What's that?" He asked and looked towards her again, this time he noticed the scent of tea.

     "Oh- just some tea I made," Fatespeaker said, her voice sounding sad now. What was wrong?

    "Did I forget something again?" He whispered, taking in the scent of the tea. Oh, it was his favourite type of tea, it was caravan loose tea.

      "You-" she cut herself off with a sigh. "You forgot that this is the anniversary of the day we met," Fatespeaker whispered. Starflight sighed, he felt stupid now. How had he forgotten, that day, when he was dragged into that half-starved volcanic island of Nightwings? And the only cheerful dragon there was the one spun up in the most amount of lies.

     "Oh... I'm so sorry Fatespeaker, I'm so sorry," he said silently and looked down, he couldn't see anything but he knew that he was staring down at his talons in a dip of shame. "Was the tea to celebrate?" He asked and looked up to where her voice was coming from.

    "Mm-hm..." she muttered. "And I was gonna read some new books and scrolls to you, the ones from the Silkwings," Fatespeaker whimpered, hearing her about to step away he stumbled up.

     "No! No, please don't leave, I'm so sorry, I was being stupid, we can still do that," he promised and eyed her, trying his best to picture Fatespeaker's purple chest, and the silver droplet that was neck to her eyes and how it matched the sparkling markings around her wrist that looked like a bracelet.

     "Are you sure?" She said, he could hear the joy and hope sparkling up in her voice again.

      "There's a corner in the library where the stain windows are, is a pile of a bunch of pillows," he said. "We can go sit-"

     "We are there," Fatespeaker said, she pleaded down the tea and gripped his wrist and sat him down before handing him the tea. The warmth travelled all through his talons and his body. A small smile grew on his face. He could feel it. He felt Fatespeaker sit next to him. He leaned on her shoulder his face flushed red, he sipped the tea to hide it. "Do you want me to start reading?" She asked softly and he nodded, his heart pounding in his chest, they were never this close. He liked it. The rain slowly was drowned out by Fatespeaker's singsong voice. He never noticed until then, that he may have had a tiny crush on her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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