The Shy Kid Niall Imagine

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You're sitting in your pre cal class one day trying to do your homework, but neither you nor any of your friends understood it. You look around the room to see if any smart people are in your class when you spot a guy named Niall sitting a few rows down from you. 

Niall is very shy and doesn't really talk to anyone. From what you've heard he's really smart, especially when it comes to math. So you get up and take your stuff with you to the empty desk next to Niall. You sit down in your seat and tap Niall on the shoulder. 

He looks over at you like he's halfway startled, but his big blue eyes pierce through you. You've never noticed just how gorgeous he is, but you quickly shake it off and ask him for help. He seems very happy to help you and does a great job. 

You're able to finish your homework before the bell so you spend the rest of the class period talking to him and getting acquainted. 

Throughout the remainder of the school day you and Niall would meet up in the hallway to talk and you would grab a seat next to each other in your mutual classes. You were surprised by just how friendly Niall was. You had only made friends with him that morning, but you already felt so comfortable around him. At lunch, you poured your heart out to Niall about a breakup you had a few months back and how lonely you've felt since. He was an excellent listener and advice giver. He really seemed to know what he was talking about.

While you were in your french class you turned around to face Niall and said,

"Do you want to come over to my house after school to study for the pre cal test? There are a few things I'm still not totally clear on."

"Yeah that'd be fine. I'll just follow you to your house." 

Two periods later the final bell rang and Niall followed you to your house. After you two had beenlying on your bed studying for about an hour, your minds drifted off into side conversations as you laughed and talked about the most off the wall things. 

"I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math, by the way." You told Niall.

He just smiled sweetly as he said,

"Aughh, I was happy to do it!" 

You both stared silently at each other for a second until Niall leaned in and kissed you. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back as he craddled your face in his hands and slowly started kissing you harder. His curious hands started to slowly mesmorise the curves of your body.You pulled out of the kiss and softly asked,

"Are you sure we should be doing this?"

Niall gave you a half smile and replied,

"No..but you're not the only one who's lonely."

With that, you pulled him back into a romantic kiss as you went to second base together, agreeing that was as far as you should go for the moment.

The following day you kept staring at Niall throughout pre cal, when you were supposed to be taking your test. You just watched him skim one problem after the other, writing out the method to solve it, punch in a few numbers on his calculator, and copy down what his answer. You found his math skills to be extremely attractive, but suddenly snap back to reality when you realize you only have ten minutes of class left. 

When you looked at the test you had no idea what to do so needless to say that you failed it miserably. Your teacher agreed to let you try again next week so Niall came back over for another study session. This time, when you got done studying, you couldn't resist one another and decided to go all the way. 

Niall quickly became your permanent math tutor and this routine went on henceforth. When your friends asked you how you maintain an A in such a hard class you tell them you have an excellent tutor. When you tell them that Niall tutors you they don't even know who he is. He's so quiet and reserved none of your friends have ever even noticed him before. When you tell Niall about this he just laughs and says,

"Don't worry, babe. We'll just remain each other's dirty little secret." He then winked at you and walked on to his next class.

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