6. Cancer x Aquarius (gxg)

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Cancer was in a relationship with Leo for two months. Unfortunately, he fell in love with Sagittarius and ran away with her.
That left Cancer heartbroken. She started drinking and smoking bad in a bar and came home late.

It was New Year Eve when Cancer drank all day, her drunk eyes looking at the happy couples around. That made her jealous and sad at the same time.

Bar tender: Would you like more?
Cancer: (cries) I'm going back home!

Cancer ran away from the place to her home where she lived with Aquarius. They had a weird reason to live together. Once Cancer was outside in a late July night when two bitch guys started teasing her.

Out of nowhere, Aquarius came to the rescue and fought off the perverts. Cancer got to know that she lived in a rented apartment and they were previous high school classmates. Cancer wanted a friend and someone who could punch asses, so she decided to let Aqua stay with her.

As a token of thanks.

As Cancer reached home, she found Aquarius standing at the door with a box of tissues and chocolate.
She ran towards her and hugged Aqua saying,
"Leo is such a motherfucking fuckboi!!!! He left me for Sagittarius because she was hotter than me!!!!" And started crying on Aqua's shoulder.

"It's okay, I told before Leo is for no good... If I get that tit, I'll knock out his jaw! No worries I'm always with you." Aquarius blushed as Cancer hugged tight.

Cancer started with their rant and eating chocolates away while they laid on Aquarius's lap. The tv was on and Aquarius was switching between channels while caressing Cancer's hair and wiping off her endless tears.

"Are you listening to me?!?!" Cancer made a pout face.
"I am, Cancer." Aquarius said with a plain face.

"I guess, we should fuck." Cancer gave a drunk smirk and Aquarius gave a disgusted look.
"WHAT THE FUCK NO!!! YOU ARE DRUNK AS FUCK AND-" Aquarius couldn't complete as Cancer put her finger on Aqua's lips that made her red.

"I just wanna feel good. Because I've been alone even when with people... I thought, I thought that Leo cared... But he-" Cancer started crying and Aquarius palmfaced.

"He was just like others." Both said together, Cancer sobbing.
"Well I wanted to tell you the truth."
"What truth?" Cancer said as she sneezed on a tissue.

"I drove Leo away."


"I made him friends with Sagittarius. As we know Sagittarius is the hottest and Leo would be easily seduced by her. So that's how-"

"Whyyyyyyyyyy???" Cancer started crying again and Aquarius had her head low.

"Because he was no good for you. I could be better than him." Aquarius lowly said.

"What do you mean?"

"Means, I won't be so easily seduced or leave you for any hot chic, like Leo." Aqua made a tsundere face as Cancer blushed.

"I just tried to show you the-" Aquarius weirdly said as Cancer kisses her.

Aquarius passed out and Cancer tried to wake her up.
"Aquarius! Aquarius!!! Get up! Did I do anything wrong????" Aquarius could faintly hear Cancer out as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Aquarius weakly asked.
"I don't think I mind someone who love me for who I am."
"Maybe you do love me because you feel loved only by me. When there will be someone who may love you more than me, then what?" Aquarius said.

"I'm not drawn to anyone who'd love me more, like Leo." Cancer smiled and Aquarius looked away.
"Just someone with whom I can have a regular old living, I'm happy and I'll surely love them with all I got." Cancer pressed their lips on Aquarius's.

[A/n: I am again scared to write scenes TT]

They kept on kissing, dissolving all the lonliness they had, caressing each other's hair and cheeks, while wiping away the tears of happiness.


"Let's bring our souls closer."

Aquarius's eyes shone as they saw Cancer remove their clothes, biting their lips.
"Guess, you're too fascinated right now." Cancer calmly said.
"I do enjoy those beautiful breasts." Aquarius said as they started grazing over the plump skin.

Leaving Cancer gasping, Aquarius went upwards motioning their mouth on Cancer's side neck. Cancer took of Aquarius's clothes and they looked each other being awestruck.

[I fuckin can't TT]

Aquarius climbed up on Cancer's back and massaged her back, while leaving tingling sensations on their back. Cancer couldn't help but bring Aquarius's face to the back of their neck.

So did Aquarius start licking slowly the back of Cancer's neck, leaving Cancer moan out.
Afterwards, Cancer topped Aquarius as they ground on each other til Aquarius's heavenly release, the fluid mixing between their womanhoods.

[Guys I don't understand why am I doing this.... I've become shy or wtf TT]

Aquarius flipped them with her being on top of Cancer and brought their hip on Cancer's face while facing their womanhood.

They devoured each other's love fluids while gasping and moaning too loud, not caring if the moon or the stars would be hearing them, or they'd be steaming up the windows of the room hidden by cream curtains.

"I do love you, crybaby Cancer." Aquarius gave a pure smile before poking her finger into Cancer's pie.

"This is way more fun than anything!" Cancer thrilled as their hips were synced with the motions of Aquarius's finger.

Finally they rested on the couch with the tv on, some weird program going on. They laid next to each other, their bare skin burning against each other.

Aquarius again started changing the channel while Cancer slept while eating away chocolates. As Cancer slept, Aquarius pecked on their forehead and slept with them.


Author's note:

I guess I got dramatic with my a/ns in between the lines but ☠️ I guess I can't write more of more detailed for now. Btw happy new year. See y'all hoes.

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