Chapter 1: Reassigned

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Ronnie POV:

The sun is starting to set.  Yet another peaceful ending to a boring day.  I just want one thing to happen! That's all I ask! Fury has forced upon me a so called "break". Honestly, I think the jokes got to be to much for him.  All I did was play one lilttle april fools prank and boom I'm gone.  Apparently to him putting poppers on agents doors at 1am is a bad thing. 

I said sorry! At least I only do this on april fools day. It's a special day for me. Pff, now I'm rambiling. My bad.

I don't mind taking a break, but I was hoping it would be like an easy mission kind of break.  Not a sitting around on my butt break. 

Fed up with the boredem, I picked up my phone to call Tash.  She's currently on a mission in Russia with Clint or something.  As I wait for her to pick up I watch the lightening dance between my fingers.  Before she can pick up the phone, the screen goes black. 

"Shit, the last time this happened is when Fury decided to show up" I whisper to myself. 

Soon enough there's a knock at my door.

Of course.

I walk over to the door and open it, only to see Fury's face.  Told ya, every time.

"Agent Asher, I have a special mission for you" Fury says.

"Awww, but my break" I say a sarcastic tone.  I make sure to add a little smirk.

"Asher, I need you to watch over the Avengers until further notice.  Make sure fights are kept to a minimal and help out on missions whenever possible.  If everythings works out we can talk about giving you a perminent spot on the team." Fury says with a smile.  Wow, the smile looks real to.

"Ok" I litterally can't say anything else. I'm to shocked! I've been wanting a spot on the team,  I thought I would get one with the whole powers thing, but at the time they were put together I was a little busy on a mission.  Sucks, I know. 

"We leave tomorrow at 9 o'clock sharp, bring everything you need. You'll be staying a while" Fury says with yet another smile.

Wow, Two in one day.  That's a first.  I'm on a roll. 

I walk to my room and start packing.

This won't be that bad.  I'll finally have some time to talk to Tash and Clint will be there at least.  He'll probably prank me though soon after I get there.  He's still mad, I broke like three of his arrows one time. Good Times.

I look to see that two hours have already passed.  Wow, thoughts really get me sometimes.  I get into bed thinking about the adventure that's about to start...


How was that? I'm all worried it sucked.  I don't know.  It's only the first chapter, let the games begin  :)

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